Trump says U.S. has 2 million coronavirus vaccine doses ‘ready to go’
The Remark
On Friday, Trump remarked that America has already produced 2 million coronavirus vaccine doses.
He said that these are “ready to go” once all the scientists figure out whether it is effective at all.
On a news conference held at the White House, Trump assured that tremendous progress is being made on vaccines.
He added that they were ready to go in terms of transportation and logistics.
“We have over 2 million ready to go if it checks out for safety,” he continued.
Trump added that he thinks we’re going to have some very positive surprises for they are doing extremely well.
The Trump administration has selected five companies as the most likely candidates to produce a vaccine for the virus.
He didn’t, however, mention as to which company has been utterly successful in producing the vaccine, if at all.
The National Institutes of Health has been working speedily with the biotech firm named Moderna on discovering a potential vaccine to prevent Covid-19.

Because of the deathly pandemic, U.S. health officials have been trying time and again to increase the development of vaccine candidates.
This, they are doing by investing in multiple stages of research.
Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean the apparent vaccine would be one hundred per cent useful.
U.S.scientists are still pretty hopeful that a vaccine to prevent coronavirus will be ready in the first half of 2021.