In today’s generation, the most famous game is pubg (player unknown battleground): A new gaming sensation. Basically, it’s an online multiplayer game and it is a game in which 100 players land on the island and who will survive is the winner.
This huge sensational game was released two years ago. Now pubg releases its season 12 with royale pass reward upgrade.
Like every time, pubg being so sensational game is going to release its season 12, that is 2gether we play and is coming to Android and iOS I the upcoming days. Pubg mobile season 12 has plenty of surprises left to reveal for their user. They will reveal it in the upcoming days.
In upcoming days pubg releases its season 12 and royale pass. Its pass pints can be obtained during season 12 and usually comes with a number of free unlocks and surprises.
The reason behind such a hype, is that there is a level in royale passes is which full of missions and prizes and better as compared to the free pass one and also in this mission, you can increase the level and get plenty of stuff. This is the main way for players to get rewards.
The pubg mobile season 12 has a release date set for March 9, 2020. This will be the date when the royale pass will launch and will become available to purchase. This includes content to celebrate the second anniversary of pubg mobile.
The royale pass coupon is worth Rs 200. Players will have to avail the coupon in through Google play store first and then launch the game.
This also includes a transaction that requires real currency. If the player hasn’t received any pass from the past 3 seasoned and register him in the season 10, will also get the additional bonus point.
Pubg is a most popular and sensational game and launching its season 12 and getting royale pass are put of the box and that too at discount. So, grab your opportunity.