Anime, Netflix

Zoids Wild Season 1: Netflix Release, Plot & History


David Mudd

Based on the longest-running Japanese Mecha toy franchise, Zoids Wild was released as the fifth anime installment on Netflix. It was available worldwide on August 14, 2020.

Before its anime release, Zoids Wild was released in Japan. It broadcasted for 1 year from July 2018 to June 2019. The thing that made it even more special was that it was the first Zoids anime series in 12 years.

What are Zoids?

Before sharing the plot of Zoids Wild with you, you should first know what Zoids are. Zoids is a Mecha-robot media franchise that’s created by Japanese toy manufacturer Tomy.

History of Zoids

With the likes of Code Geass, Gundam & Neon Genesis Evangelion, Japan is famous for creating giant fight mechas. In Japan, they were first introduced in toys form in 1982, and since their origin, they have been popular among children.

Now, as far as their functioning is concerned, a  Zoid can take the form of many large mechanical creatures.

Creatures such as insects, arachnids, dinosaurs, and mythological creatures.

Zoids: Chaotic Century was the first-ever anime to be broadcasted in Japan. Later, Cartoon Network acquired the rights to broadcast 67 episodes of the anime series in the US.  The series had a great run in the US from September 4th, 1999 to December 23rd, 2000.

Since then, we’ve seen these 5 Zoids anime in the anime franchise.

  • Zoids: Chaotic Century (1999)
  • Zoids: New Century (2001)
  • Zoids: Fuzors (2003)
  • Zoids: Genesis (2005)
  • Zoids: Wild (2018)

Note: Each of the 5 anime had a runtime of 1 year.

Zoids Wild Season 1 Plot?

To become a famous Zoid Hunter, like his father, Arashi, the protagonist decides to follow in his footsteps. In his quest to become a popular Zoid Hunter, he gets help from Wild Liger, his Zoid & friends from team Freedom.

With support from everywhere, Arashi sets himself on a journey to find the Great Ancient Treasure Z. What do you think – Can he find the hidden ancient treasure?

Or he’ll lose his way in doing so. Well, to find the answer, you need to head over to the Netflix app & start watching the anime series.

Zoids Wild Season 1 Netflix Release?

Zoids Wild Season 1 is already released on Netflix all over the world. Netflix premiered all the 50 episodes at once on August 14th, 2020.

Further, I confirm that Zoids Wild Season 1 is available to stream on Netflix US, Canada, UK, and Australia when writing this post.

Now that you’re aware of its availability, will you watch it on the Netflix app?

Final Thoughts

With all the episodes available on Netflix, Zoids Wild is a great anime show to watch. In fact, in a few of the episodes, all the clashing & sparks reminded me of my childhood classic series Beyblade.

Now that Netflix is telecasting Zoids Wild anime series, I hope this time we’ll get the second season soon instead of waiting for 12 long years. That’s all for now. What do you think of this Netflix anime? Share your thoughts on this via the comments section given below.