Yowamushi Pedal with 112 episodes became one of the most popular Japanese Manga series written and illustrated by Wataru Watanable. Yowamusi Pedal’s animation, comedy, drama and sport activities became the number 1 reason for the fans (including me) to wait for Yowamushi Pedal Season 5.
In this article, you’ll get to know each and everything about Yowamushi Pedal season 5 such as when it’s going to be released, what is plotline and who are the casting characters of it.
B/w let me ask you one thing? Do you like adventurous activities especially to learn from them? Do you like to enjoy adventures sports? I’m sure some of you love it by heart.
It’s my hobby as by the sports that are adventures, we can learn how to tackle the serious situation of life.
“Life itself is an adventure not a package tour”
I hope you enjoyed all the 4 seasons of Yowamushi Pedal but tell me one thing “what made you crazy about it?”
Ya I know, it might be hard for you to wait for the next one.
To give relaxation to your wait, let me give you a brief knowledge about the 5th Season of Yowamushi Pedal like the latest updates.
Yowamushi Pedal is also known by the name, Yowamushi Pedaru in Japan. The 5th Season of this series comes under sports anime television series. Yowamushi Pedal Season 5, the mixture of drama and comedy spins around the cycling sports.
Don’t you feel excited to know the storyline of this fantastic manga series (Yowamushi Pedal Season 5).
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What actually happens in Yowamushi Pedal Season 5? | Plot of Yowamushi Pedal Season 5
In the 5th Season of Yowamushi Pedal, the story revolves around the sports of Cycling. Here, the series follows Sakamichi Onada when he enters to a high school.
In middle school, he had no friends as an Otaku. Later, he joins another high school with some expectations to make new friends in the anime club of the school. When the anime club disbanded, Sakamichi’s dreams come untrue. That happens due to the lack of membership.
When his dreams clashed, Sakamichi decided to take a ride on his bicycle. But all the things changed just when one of the serious cyclists noticed him.
It was noticed by the famous cyclists, that Sakamichi is a skilled cyclists at very young age. Despite of this achievement, he never takes it serious. Sakamichi continues to notice the cyclists of school.
After some time, finally the members of the school cycling club convinced him to take it seriously. From this instant, the show reveals Sakamichi building his career as a cyclist in the high school.
After reading the fascinating storyline, don’t you like to know the characters that made it interesting for you?
Cast/Characters of Yowamushi Pedal Season 5
In this series, these are the main characters. Without them Pedal Season 5 is incomplete.
- Yuuki Ogoe as Sakamichi Onada
- Tatsunari Kimura as Shunsuke Imaizumi
- Taiga Fukuzawa as Shoukichi Naruko
- Naoya Goumoto as Shingo Kinjou
- Ryoma Baba as Yuusuke Makishima
- Kousuke Kujirai as Junta Teshima
- Ryo Yashima as Hajime Aoyagi
- Hiroki Harai as Terufumin Sugimoto
One question is revolving in my mind, i.e. when Yowamushi Pedal Season 5 will be on our screen? And I think this is in your mind also.
Upcoming Date of Yowamushi Pedal Season 5| Release Date of Yowamushi Pedal Season 5
One heart touching news for all the fans, the 5th Season of Yowamushi Pedal is confirmed. Moreover, we can watch it on our screen by early 2021.
I think it is very hard for you to wait, even for me also. Let’s hope the premiere of mind-blowing series in 2021.
I am sure that after reading the gorgeous news, you all (Okay, not all most of you) are excited to know more about your favorite manga series.
Keep scrolling down to know more……..
Is there any English Dub of Yowamushi Pedal Season 5?
As it is a very popular series, but still there is no English Dub of this series yet. Although we can expect something better for future as the creators may release the English Dub in the future.
Right now, the show is available only in its original Japanese audio version with English subtitles.
Now, I am going to share a video of Yowamushi Pedal that might help you to know more about the 5th Season.
The Trailer of Yowamushi Pedal
The official trailer of Season 5 is not out yet. But, with the help of this video you can get some estimate about the 5th season.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Yowamushi Pedal Season 5?
It is a Japanese manga series.
What is it about?
It is about the cycling sport. That motivates all the viewers to learn cycling with full inspiration.
Final Words
Yowamushi Pedal Season 5 is a Japanese manga series. It is based on the sports of Cycling. It gives an inspirational message to the viewers regarding cycling.