The Xbox Series X has a decent number of already announced exclusive titles that we know are. coming to it. Hellblade 2: Senua’s Saga, for example, is one of the games that Microsoft have already announced for the next-gen console.
Xbox Series X To Get Fable 4?
However, rumours surrounding another sequel coming to the Xbox Series X have been persistent for months now. This sequel, of course, is Fable 4. We’ve been hearing murmurs about it being a potential Xbox Series X exclusive title for a while. Microsoft does own the Fable IP, too.
The official Xbox Twitter account gave even more of a boost to these rumours recently. This tweet features the text “When your custom character shows up in a cutscene”, along with a text drawing of a person with a chicken head.
The Xbox Twitter Account Might Just Be Trolling
This prompted a response from user @Ch1ck3nLover, who asked if this was a Fable reference, along with a picture from the game of the famous Chicken Hat item. The Xbox Twitter account went as far as responding to this question, saying “If you weren’t wearing the Chicken Hat, were you ever really a hero?”
Social media accounts of gaming companies engaging in some fun banter seem innocent enough. However, with all the rumours about Fable 4 circulating around the internet, it’s difficult to ignore this. It may not be as inconspicuous as it seems.
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Rumours About Fable 4 Coming To The Xbox Series X Are Persistent
Previously, we heard rumours that Microsoft was going to reveal something big about Fable 4 around the weekend of Friday, April 10, 2020. This came from a couple of different sources making certain comments.
The first one was from IGN’s Miranda Sanchez. She hinted on an episode of Podcast Unlocked that she had an exciting piece going up on the website the following Monday that would be “very relevant to Xbox audiences.”
Now that piece ended up being about Gears Of War, not Fable 4, so that rumour lost its momentum quite quickly. That does still leave the other rumour, though. It originated from ResetEra user shinobi602. This user mentioned that Xbox has “gorgeous fantasy worlds, reboots, big sci-fi” in the works for the Series X.
Once again, that description matches Fable 4 almost perfectly. We still know nothing for sure, though. However, rumours about Fable 4 refuse to die. And it would make for a huge win for the Xbox Series X. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, after all.