
Who Is Deuxmoi?? Things You Must Need To Know!


Saloni Singh

A journalist has revealed the identity behind DeuxMoi, the popular Gen Z gossip mecca.

 For a long time, people have known that DeuxMoi, which has1.5 million Instagram followers, was conceivably run by two individualities. After all, DeuxMoi literally translates to “ two me. ” But no bone knew who was running the account that started as a notoriety fashion blog before the counterblockade.

DeuxMoi has conducted several interviews anonymously, most lately appearing on Showtime’s Ziwe, where they refused to expose their race and admitted they had zero “ Black musketeers. ”

Brian Feldman revealed in his Substack that grounded on public information, DeuxMoi allegedly is run by two socialites Meggie Kempner and Melissa Lovallo.

 “ DeuxMoi has chosen to tie their individual identity to their decreasingly public line of work, ” Feldman wrote. “ I support people telling their own story which isn’t mutually exclusive from also believing that, at this point, the identity of whoever is telling that story is, in itself, newsworthy. DeuxMoi is a public figure. ”

who is deuxmoi

In His May 2022 Newsletter, Pen Brian Feldman Name- Dropped Who He Thinks Runs Deuxmoi.

 Ex – New York magazine journalist Brian Feldman did a deep dive into Deumoix’s identity in his newsletter, BNet. In his May 20, 2022 post, he alleges that Meggie Kempner and Melissa Lovallo are the authors.

 So, who are these ladies, exactly? It’s hard to tell as they have slightly left a digital trail for us to follow. still, if the last name Kempner rings a bell, it’s because Meggie is the granddaughter of the late celebrated New York swell Nan Kempner. Brian believes that Meggie works in fashion moment.

 And as for Melissa, who’s believed to still run the account moment, Brian claims she has a modeling background.

 So is there any verity to this? Points have surely been made, but the Deumoix account has yet to note on these allegations.

Bieber Also Believes She Knows Who Runs Deuxmoi.

 In December 2020, Hailey wrote in her Instagram stories” moment I figured out I know who runs the Deuxmoi Instagram account and I must say,A. I feel like I should work for the FBI, andB. I feel like I just figured out who Gossip Girl is,” she said in a December 2020 Instagram story.

 Sorely, Hailey Bieber did not didn’t give the 4-1-1 on who she thinks Deuxmoi is, but it seems like she may know who runs the account because she’s worked with them ahead. Plot twist!

 Someone on Twitter participated screengrabs of the Deuxmoi account back in 2014, when they supposedly banded with Hailey. Hailey promoted Deuxmoi merch and helped the brand with comps. Someone differently on Reddit participated a print of a group of women who conceivably used to worked at Deuxmoi, claiming one of them is the ringleader.

It has preliminarily been verified that the account, which now has1.5 million followers, is run by one woman, and that Deuxmoi was firstly meant to be a life point she started in 2013 with a friend.

 Per a November 2020 report in the New York Times, the Deuxmoi author and her friend stopped using the account to promote the point in 2015, at which point she had,000 followers.

The” watchman of pop culture” started accepting tips and anonymous cessions about celebrities eventually during the COVID- 19 counterblockade, and they post the emails to their Instagram Stories, where the juicy gossip lives for 24 hours.

who is deuxmoi

In fact, according to the Times, the person who runs Deuxmoi is adamant that she does not fact- check. She told the publication “ I ’ve always stayed true to what I said from day one, which is that this information isn’t proven to be grounded in fact. I do n’t do any fresh exploration. I ’m not a journalist. ”

 She added,” I feel like my content is as veracious as the person who’s transferring it in. Like, I do n’t edit. I’ll bowdlerize, but I do n’t edit. So you ’re seeing exactly what notoriety is writing to me. ”

The Times also reported that the person who runs Deuxmoi presently has a full- time job and runs the notoriety gossip runner as a side hustle. She signs on at 6p.m. and posts a new batch of cessions.

Who Is Deuxmoi?

 DeuxMoi is a pseudonymous Instagram account which publishes celebrity gossip. They frequently partake perceptivity and updates on where celebrities have been spotted and with whom. generally, people contact DeuxMoi with filmland or information on celebrities, whilst requesting to stay ‘ anon pls ’. The account also shares the gossip on their Instastory.

 During an interview from 2020, DeuxMoi verified that the point was launched in 2013. originally, it was used as a fashion blog run by two musketeers. The runner has not yet verified the identity of the account holders or addressed Brian Feldman’s report.

 In a newsletter from theex-New York Magazine journalist, Feldman revealed that one of the DeuxMoi’s authors is Meggie Kempner. Meggie is the granddaughter of NYC swell Nan Kempner. Back in 2014, DeuxMoi’s Pinterest featured a whole pinboard devoted to Nan.

 During the early days of the account, Model Kristina Romanova participated a post on Instagram, tagging both@deuxmoi and someone who goes by @mkempsyo. Feldman discovered that@mkempsyo is a fashion entrepreneur named Meggie Kempner.

who is deuxmoi

 Since also, all of their private Instagrams@mkempsyo and@mlovallo12 have been deleted. still, their markers can still be set up, which inescapably gave the game down.

 Melissa Lovallo is also said to be behind the DeuxMoi Instagram account. This was suggested after a 2013 tweet from model Emily DiDonato, who wrote, “ I’m loving your blog@gizroc75 blog! It’s amazing take a look guys!deuxmoi.com. ”

 Another tweet which sounded to point in Lovallo’s direction was posted in 2015 when Au Revoir Les Filles twittered, “ Great converse with Melissa@deuxmoigals. Loving what you do and you go girl!!! ”

Instagram ’S Gossip Girl Identity Verified in Hailey Bieber

 Justin Bieber preliminarily revealed on Instagram in 2020 that she had worked out the true identity of DeuxMoi. After Bieber liked Pop Crave’s rearmost post, this putatively verified that they ’ve cracked the law concerning the individualities of DeuxMoi.

who is deuxmoi


 DeuxMoi is presently working on their debut new Anon Pls, which is a fictionalised bio. The narrative follows a fashion worker who rises to anonymous fame with aDeuxmoi-esque social media account.

 DeuxMoi has not yet responded to their supposed identity reveal, still, The Focus has reached out for comment.

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