Fans Are heartbroken to see their favourite actor Fernando del Solar pass away tragically. The television anchor, model, and actor was only 49 years old. The heartbreaking news regarding his death came to light after it was made public on the Venga la Alegria shpw. The news was later confirmed by Sergio Sepúlveda.
After hearing about the sudden death of the actor, Fans started to speculate about the possibility behind his death. The tragic news created shocked face among people around the world, and everyone started to wonder about him. The reason behind his death remains unknown at the time of writing. There are a lot of people who are looking forward to seeing what are the possible reasons behind the actors.
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Looking at the age of, it is uncommon for anyone to die at such a young age. However, many reports talk about the possibility of his death. The affairs of actor already knows that he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2012, and we already know that this is the reason behind a lymphatic cancer that affects the whole lymphatic system in a body.
But at the time of writing, we are still looking at the details of the death and there might be another possibility like a heart attack or other causes that could be the reason behind his sudden death.
According to the news, actor and journalist Sergio Sepúlveda announced on Thursday morning, “A close, very close source has told us that unfortunately, Fernando del Solar has passed away. There are plenty of affectionate adjectives to talk about Fernando, but you who are his family and who built Venga la Alegría have to know.”
Sepúlveda went ahead to show his grief over the death of the actor and said “Today he went flying even higher… and that news reaches the hearts of all of us who knew him. As a family, it comforts us to know that everyone will lovingly understand this moment of intimate farewell and we are infinitely grateful for all the signs of affection, support, solidarity, and respect.”
He talks about his achievement, success, and career. He further ahead went to put condolences to Solar’s family.
The news regarding the details of the show was made official through the official Instagram all around the world. All the celebrities and their close family showed their gratitude to the celebrity. The fans also express their love and emotions to the actor.
Mauricio Mancera, a Television personality, who was a friend of the actor also showed her love to the actor. He said, “It is very sad because his family, Anna Ferro, has just lost a husband, Luciano, and Paolo their dad […] Fernando was extremely familiar… it’s unfortunate news, even though he was in this constant fight [with cancer], I never saw it coming ”
Tábata Jalil, who has worked with the television personality, also expresses her thoughts and says, “I am shocked and I suppose that also in their homes, I did not see it coming, a few days ago we were tweeting and joking, but I believe that Fer del Solar is an example to follow, he is a man of light, he is a great friend who taught me that life is beyond the forums, he is a man who gave an example of being a witness in love and truth, He never lost his attitude.”
Patricio Borguetti, who is a colleague of the actor. She said, “I still can’t believe it, I’m still waiting for someone to deny it. A month ago he was at my house, we were in the pool… I met him before we arrived in Mexico… I can’t speak.”
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