Even though Season 1 of Call of Duty Vanguard has not yet concluded. Gamers are already looking forward to Call of Duty Vanguard Season 2 post-launch DLC. Vanguard Season 2 is only a few weeks away. Like Season 1, a massive amount of content is scheduled to be released. Alongside a slew of bug patches to ensure a seamless experience across all platforms. As with the beginning of each season. Some pieces of content are sure to emerge and others that have yet to be revealed.
Everything we know about Vanguard Season 2‘s midseason update, including the projected release date and content, is listed below. Vanguard Season 2 introduced new maps, weaponry, and Ranked Play. But that’s not all Sledgehammer Games has in store for you; a midseason upgrade is also on the way. Here’s all we know about the midseason update for Vanguard Season 2.
The second season of Call of Duty: Vanguard has arrived, bringing with it new weaponry, maps, and, finally, Ranked Play. Sledgehammer Games hinted at what’s to come later in Vanguard Season 2 while introducing all of this new stuff. Here’s all we know about the planned midseason update for Vanguard Season 2. Including the estimated release date, Arms Race mode, weaponry, and Ranked Play awards.
Date of Release for the Vanguard Season 2 Midseason Update
The current Battle Pass will expire on February 2. Still, the next season will begin on February 14. After Sledgehammer Games confirmed that it would continue to solve different bugs affecting the game. As expected, the midseason update for Vanguard Season 2 will be released roughly halfway through the season. With the Season 2 Battle Pass due to expire on April 27. We anticipate the midseason 2 upgrade to be released around the week of March 21, 2022. Sledgehammer Games hasn’t released an official release date yet, so we’ll keep you informed as soon as they do.
More Info on the Series
Battle Pass for Vanguard Season 2
As with the beginning of every season, a brand-new Battle Pass with 100 Tiers of prizes will be released. Depending on the season’s theme, users will be able to get a variety of weapon blueprints.
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These variety include Operator Skins, and other items. We’ll update this post with the newest information once we know what’s contained.
Size of Vanguard Season 2 Update
Vanguard Season 2 update has arrived in the PlayStation database. And the PlayStation 5 download is 14.5 GB in size as it begins to roll out. It’s hardly surprising that there would be a significant update due to the high number of bug fixes and additional content. Check out our tips and strategies for downloading the Season 2 update as quickly as possible.
Vanguard Season 2 Maps
Vanguard Season 2 will involve the inclusion of two brand-new multiplayer maps. Gondola and Casablanca are maps featuring a “three-lane” format, a popular feature among players.
Operators From Vanguard Season 2
Operators have become an essential element of the Call of Duty multiplayer experience. It’s quite probable that at least one Operator will debut when Season 2 begins. The identities of the three characters that will appear throughout the season. Further having revealed according to the roadmap: Anna and Thomas.
Trailer for Season 2 of Vanguard
Activision released the official cinematic teaser for Vanguard Season 2 on February 8. Taskforce Yeti is shown attempting to penetrate a Nazi-controlled fortress in the two-minute clip. A variety of LMGs, an SMG. And many melee weapons, including a shovel and wrench, are on display.
Vanguard Season 2 Introduces a New Arms Race Mode
The developers of Call of Duty stated that Vanguard would receive a new mode. That is Arms Race in the midseason 2 release. While we don’t know much about this mode yet, they have revealed that. An Arms Race with Armored War Machines is greater than infantry combat. And that you will be “piloting Motorcycles, Squad Transport Vehicles, and Tanks. This is done to en route to attacking opposing strongholds.”
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Arms Race may be akin to the fan-favorite Ground War mode. It was leaked for Vanguard Season 2. However, we must wait and see what Sledgehammer has in mind for the mode.
Later in Vanguard Season 2, More Weapons Will Be Introduced
While the KG M40 and Whitley were introduced to Vanguard Season 2‘s Battle Pass. The Ice Axe and Armaguerra 43 SMG will be added later in the season. The Ice Axe has been confirmed to be a melee and thrown weapon. So we’ll have to wait and see how it performs once it’s in-game. The Armaguerra is an “extremely high rate-of-fire SMG”. That is “excellent in short to medium range battles”. There is no official release date for these weapons. However, They are anticipated to be included in the midseason 2 update. Comparable to the Welgun from Season 1.
More Ranked Play Incentives Are on Their Way
Ranked Play is now available in Call of Duty Vanguard. It enable users to play like pros, progress through the Skill Divisions. And earn goodies to show off. Players may presently receive Calling Cards, Emblems, and an Operator Skin for Solange. But the developers have stated that additional incentives will be added later in the season. “Additional Ranked Play Rewards like as Weapon Blueprints, Camos, Charms, a Master Skill Division Operator Skin, and more are coming in-season,”. According to the February 17 patch notes.
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They haven’t said when these awards will be available. But we anticipate them to come around the same time as the midseason 2 update. That’s all we know for now regarding Vanguard Season 2‘s midseason update! We’ll keep you posted when additional information becomes available. You can also read our Warzone Pacific Season 2 review to discover if it’s worth returning to Caldera.
Perks of the Season
There are two new multiplayer Perks in addition to the new Operators and weaponry. Armory will be introduced in the Perk 1 position as a direct counter to Engineer, while Mechanic will be presented in the Perk 3 slot. Mechanic shortens the charging period for Field Upgrades, allowing players to obtain Field Upgrades faster than usual.
Vanguard Season 2 Guns and Weapons
Each season adds new firearms and melee weapons to the armoury, further enhancing the ever-changing metagame. Season 1 saw the introduction of the Cooper Carbine assault weapon. Welgun submachine gun, and Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle, implying that a new LMG or Marksman Rifle might be on the way. The roadmap has revealed three new weapons that will be added to the arsenal: the KG M40 (Assault Rifle), Ice Axe (Melee), and the Whitley (LMG).
That’s everything we know about Vanguard Season 2 so far! Be sure to bookmark this page and check back regularly for all of the latest news and information on the upcoming season. In the meantime, check out everything we know about Season 1 reloaded and whether the midseason update will be delayed.