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UK, Coronavirus: Air Purifier Company Dyson To Make Ventilators For NHS


David Mudd

About Dyson 

Dyson is a British technology company established in the United Kingdom. The founder of Dyson is Sir James Dyson in 1991. The main work of this company is to design household equipment like- vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, hand dryers, bladeless fans, heaters, hairdryers, and lights.

The location of the headquarters of Dyson is at Wiltshire, England. Dyson had more than 12,000 employees worldwide. In January 2019 Dyson makes it clear that Dyson would move its headquarters to Singapore. This will be to ramp up manufacturing for their electric vehicle.


A Helping Hand Dyson 

Since the terrible outbreak of the deadly CoronaVirus, Dyson will now develop a new kind of medical ventilator for the NHS (National Health Service) to help with coronavirus.

Initially, the government has been requesting the Dyson  company to find a solution to COVID-19 can be tackled. Out of the entire world, the UK is one of the nations which is handling the majority of cases of Corona Virus.

A consortium of more than twelve organizations expects to build ventilators depending on two situating plans. Some industry sources are recommending that Dyson way to deal with making another model will take longer.

In a statement given out by Dyson, Sir James Dyson says-

“This is a highly complex project being undertaken in an extremely challenging time frame,” it added.


“We are conducting a fully regulated medical device development, including testing in the laboratory and humans, and we are scaling up for volume Dyson .”

Measures You Should Undertake To Avoid Corona

Given below are some simple measured you cant take to avoid this fatal Corona Virus. These are the key points you should always keep in mind

  • Sniffle and cough into tissues or the lawbreaker of your elbow.
  • If you get bodily fluid or spit on your skin, clear it off immediately. Abstain from touching your face with unwashed hands.
  • Wash your hands with hand wash or use a hand sanitizer that contains liquor of some sort.
  • Evade close contact with individuals who are ill, especially individuals displaying cold, cough and fever. Because these are the main symptoms of the virus
  • Always and always clean surfaces, for example, ledges and door handles, with a disinfectant
  • Remain at home when you’re ill.
  • Avoid crowded places. Even if you are going out, always wear a mask.
