Twin Star Exorcists is a Japanese manga series. This manga series is written and illustrated by Yoshiaki Sukeno. The manga has been serialized in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine Jump Square since October 2013. The story follows Rokuro Enmado and Benio Adashino, young and talented exorcists. They are destined to marry and have a child that will be the exorcist.
Yoshiaki Sukeno began serializing the manga in Shueisha’s Jump Square magazine on October 4, 2013. A special chapter was published in Weekly Shonen Jump in April 2016. It was Viz Media that licensed the series for publication in North America, first volume released on July 7, 2015.
Today in this article, we are going to talk about Twin Star Exorcists Chapter 120. Le’s get started.
Twin Star Exorcists Chapter 120 Release Date and Time
Twin Star Exorcists Chapter 120 released on 1 June 2023. The manga is published in the first week of every month in Jum Square’s Magazine. The manga has received all the popularity with few chapters being released.
Here is the release time:
- Pacific Daylight Time: 9 AM
- Eastern Daylight Time: Noon
- Central Daylight Time: 11 AM
- British Summer Time: 5 PM
Twin Star Exorcists Chapter 120 Spoiler
The ritual to summon the soul of Benio takes place, and the chanting starts. Benio finally comes back to his consciousness after 800 years. Tatara arrives at the battlefield and also makes sure to reserved route for the group to escape. Yuzuriha attacks Tatara as she doesn’t want them to reach Sakanashi but it doesn’t effect on Yuzuriha.
After an attempt of poison, Sakanashi this time prepares precautions against Tatara’s power. Tatara injectes an antidote to make Yuzuriha immune to his poison. Yuzuriha has already predicted Tatara’s attacks. Sakanashi asks Yuzuriha to sacrifice herself either in a fight with Tatara or the God of Inbetween. Yuzuriha chooses to fight the God of Inbetween.
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Tatara is now aware of Yuzuriha’s ability to predict future since she is immune to his poison. He sets the snake attacks. Yuzuriha uses the Eyes of Death to see what can happen in the future, instead she sees darkness. Tatara uses his ability, Dark Prison Njara, and defeats Yuzuriha. Tatara tries to attack Sakanashi, Tsuchimikado saved Sakanashi.
Yuzuriha also tries to attack Tatara but can’t move. Sakanashi realizes that Tatara is using a different neurotoxin. Sakanashi chants ”Box of Absolute Kegare Protection.” Sakanashi takes Tatara’s head from his body. the God of Inbetween, arrives.
Where To Read Twin Star Exorcists Chapter 120 Manga Online?
You can read Twin Star Exorcists Chapter 120 with all the chapters on Viz Media and Shueisha’s MangaPlus. The anime based on this manga is also available to stream on Crunchyroll and Funimation.
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Twin Star Exorcists Chapter 120 Characters
Main Characters
Rokuro Enmado
Rokuro Enmado is the main lead of the Twin Star Exorcists series who is an exorcist and is the main survivor of the Hiinatsuki Dormitory. He used to be full of life who dreams to purify and annihilate all Impurities and Magano, however after the tragedy took place with Hiinatsuki, He decided to quit being an exorcist and abandoned his profession.
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Even thoguh he has left his profession and being an Exorcist but he is always ready to hepl whoever in danger. With his spirit, he never gives up and hence, he saved Benio. Rokuro Enmado along with Benio is destinied to marry and have a child named Miko who will be the ultimate Exorcist.
Benio Adashino
Benio Adashino is the female lead in the Twin Star Exorcists series. She is at the following top of the Adashino House which is one of the 64 most significant places on Tsuchimikado Island. As mentioned above, She and Rokuro Enmado are the Twin Star Exorcists and will be the parents of Miko, the ultimate Exorcist. She marries Rokuro Enmado.
More Characters
- Kamui
- Suzu
- Chinu
- Sakanashi
- Tatara
- Yuzuriha
- Arimori Tsuchimikado
- Seigen Amawaka
- Keiji Ikaruga
- Shimon Ikaruga
- Tenma Unomiya
- Mayura Otomi
Twin Star Exorcists is a Japanese manga series. Twin Star Exorcists chapter 120 released on June, 1. With Miku being the ultimate Exorcist, the manga series will be interesting to read on Viz Media and more platforms mentioned above. All the coming information will soon be updated.
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