Directed by Ken’ichi Kasai and written by Ritsuko Sakaguchi, To Me, The One Who Loved You is a Japanese anime movie distributed by Crunchyroll. The romantic sci-fi released on 07 October 2022. It is based on a novel of the same name published by Hayakawa Publishing and written by Yomoji Otono.
To Me The One Who Loved You Plot
The plot follows Koyomi Hidaka whose parents divorced. He begins living with his father. At his father’s workplace, the research laboratory, he meets Shiori Satou. They start feeling something for one another. However, Shiori’s mother, who works in the same research laboratory, gets remarried to Koyomi’s father. Therefore, now they turned out into step-siblings.
The story takes interesting twist when in a parallel they realize that they won’t be step-siblings and can continue their relationship with no hesitation. As they keep swinging between both worlds, now they gave to pay the price.
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The science fiction bases movie is connected to another one which was released on the same day, and these two complete each other. one has a sad ending. It is definitely not a sequel but they are parallel.
To Me The One Who Loved You Ending Explained
Takasaki dies of a syndrome and Shiori learns time shifting techniques and uses it when he gets old. He sees Shiori as a ghost in the real world. But, in the parallel world, his brain gets dead.
Shiori disappeared and Takasaki returns to the original world. They then meet in the real world and disappeared together. Where do they go to? They must have gone to heaven and had their happily ever after.
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Takagawa and Takasaki meet in a parallel world and live together till they die. Takagawa, from the real world, writes in a letter that Takasaki from the real world would be bringing Takasaki and Shiori from the parallel world.
To be concluded, Takasaki and Shiori live together in the real world and disappeare together. Additionally, Takasaki and Takagava from the parallel world live together till the end. Only Takagava from the real world left off alone.
Who Does Koyomi Takasaki End Up With?
Only one shiori and koyomi ended up together, as a ghost . And all other koyomi ended up ended up with kazune. You can give it a try if you haven’t watched it yet.
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To Me The One Who Loved You Ratings
To Me The One Who Loved You has received 6.9/10 rating on IMDb and 4.8/5 on Crunchyroll.
Where To Watch To Me The One Who Loved You?
If you are interested to watch To Me The One Who Loved You, you can easily watch it on Crunchyroll. It is available to watch there. You won’t regret watching it. Are you going to watch it?
To Me, The One Who Loved You is a Japanese anime movie distributed by Crunchyroll. It’s a science fiction based film which is little confusing for viewers who get stuck between real world and parallel world. Also, there is no sequel but the movies, To Me, The One Who Loved and To Every You I’ve Loved Before are connected to one another.
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