
The Study Reveals That Adding These Nuts to Your Daily Nutrition Can Greatly Diminish the Risk of Depression.



In this era, the masses have become more conscious about their mental health, so their mental health concerns are on the rise. There is a new study that was prepared by doing heavy research. It has uncovered simple dietary habits that can be the reason for reducing the risk of stress as well as depression.

The research has been conducted by a team of nutritionists and mental health experts which highlights the potential between just eating some nuts in daily routine can help in strong mental well-being as well as reducing the risk of depression. Let’s take a deep dive into this research.

The Determination of the Study

A study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, reveals that that eating about 30 grams of nuts every day can help lower the risk of depression in adults.

 Adding These Nuts to Your Daily Nutrition

Bruno Bizzozero-Peroni the lead author from the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain, passed his statements regarding the study while explaining that.

“Our findings highlight yet another benefit of consuming nuts, with a 17% decrease in depression associated with nut consumption,” and  “This provides an even stronger rationale for people to become enthusiastic about consuming nuts.”

At the start of the study, 13,500 people in the UK between the ages of 37 and 73 did not have a depression diagnosis. The initial and primary lines of the study demonstrated the self-reported physician diagnosis of depression or antidepressant use. before proceeding further read about one more interesting and factful study on Shift Work Rigorously Increasing the Risk of Depression and Anxiety!

All the types of nuts were consumed by the masses who participated in this study including unsalted nuts, such as almonds, cashews, and pistachios, salted nuts, roasted nuts, and peanuts. The author writes his wording in the journal are

 Adding These Nuts to Your Daily Nutrition

““This study analyzed the prospective association between nut consumption and the risk of depression in a large sample of middle-aged and older adults in the UK,”

The experts and researchers have noticed the data over the course of five years. shockingly, 8% of the people have diagnosed their depression. Do not miss out, on the Internet Addiction Spectrum study! on our platform.


To sum up, everything that I have experienced so far, the study has revealed that eating a handful of walnuts daily can significantly reduce the risk of depression so any individual can protect his mental well-being just by adding some nuts to his daily routine in the view of the fact that this habit plays a pivotal role that nutrition can play in mental health.

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