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The Flash Spoilers: S8E19 Who Dies? Check It Out Here


David Mudd

Team Flash will go up against the ultimate foe that has been threatening Central City throughout the entirety of The Flash Season 8. A summary of The Flash that includes spoiled material follows.

When it was discovered that Deon Owens, the living avatar of the Still Force, appeared to have gone villainous and kidnapped Iris West, it stunned both Team Flash and the fans of The Flash Season 8. While the team worked feverishly to save Iris, Central City welcomed a new speedster named Dr. Meena Dhawan and a heroic Eobard Thawne.

This version of Thawne stood in stark contrast to the villainous Thawne who had been rendered helpless and imprisoned on the distant island of Lian Yu. And as the sixth and last episode of the season approaches, a fan-favorite character will make the ultimate sacrifice, while Deon will reappear to carry out his devilish plan.

Iris unexpectedly comes into Nora and Bart’s home in the year 2049 in Central City, 2049, after she has emerged from the Still Force. However, Nora and Bart are unable to return Iris to her own time since Deon prevents them from doing so.

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In the meantime, in the Central City of the current day, Team Flash has designed a supersuit for Meena, who is portrayed by Kausar Mohammed, that monitors her connection to the Negative Speed Force and protects her from becoming corrupted once more by it. When Meena is having trouble keeping her speed under control, Barry encourages her by disclosing his civilian identity. He also congratulates her on how far she has come and suggests that she use the superhero moniker “Fast Track.”

On Lian Yu, the wicked Thawne assumes that Deon has arrived to release him and restore his super-speed, but instead, Deon quickly ages Thawne to death, causing him to lose his ability to use super-speed. Meena and the good Eobard Thawne are confronted by Deon and the other Forces, who want to kill this Thawne as well. While Barry and Team Flash investigate Thawne’s death and Deon’s whereabouts, former supervillain Rosa Dillon confronts Cecile Horton over stealing her superpowers to use in her own career.

After the group discloses their intention to exert full authority over the Negative Forces, Barry sends the Forces packing in order to protect himself and his allies. This new turn of events takes place at the same time as the arrival of Nora in the year 2049. Nora came to seek Barry’s assistance after learning that Iris’ temporal sickness was brought on by the presence of negative tachyons in her body.

Cecile takes advantage of Mona Taylor’s return to Iron Heights, where she is the leader of the Royal Flush Gang, to steal her telepathic powers and get insight into the threats that face Team Flash. She makes a solemn oath to be of assistance.

Cecile directs Allegra Garcia and Chester P. Runk in their battle against the Negative Forces, using her telepathic abilities to keep Deon at bay while Chester outwits Fuerza. Meena receives instruction from Barry on how to communicate with Thawne on her link to the Negative Speed Force, and the three speedsters charge into battle just as Cecile’s party is defeated by the Negative Forces.

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Iris in 2049 suffers from a worsening of her temporal sickness as a direct result of this conflict, which causes Nora and Bart to be even more anxious about their mother’s health.

While Meena and Thawne divert the attention of the Negative Forces, Barry continues to make his way across Central City in an effort to collect enough lightning from the Speed Force to power one devastating attack that will permanently eliminate his adversaries. Just as Barry is about to throw the lightning, Deon calls Iris back to the present day to be the one to bear the full force of the explosion instead. Iris dies away while Barry is holding her.

It is revealed that this sacrifice also caused the evil Thawne to be resurrected, and as the final fight of The Flash Season 8 begins, he breaks free from his heroic counterpart.