“The Daily Life of the Immortal King” is a Chinese anime consisting of comedy, school romance, and drama. Since its release in January 2020, the series has created quite a stir. The anime, which has 15 episodes in season one, is one of the lesser-known blockbusters among 2020’s new Chinese anime releases. The Daily Life of the Immortal King: Season 2 is a must watch!
The animation, originally titled ‘Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo,’ is based on the 2017 Chinese language online book of the same name. Haoliners Animation League created the animation for the novel.
The series contains elements of humor, action, and fantasy. The series recounts the narrative of a young kid who possesses extraordinary abilities and is required to attend High School. In his realm, everyone has spiritual powers and attended cultivation schools to enhance their abilities.
Because of its parodic storytelling style and parallels to series like “One-Punch Man” and “The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.” Season 1 was a huge success, especially given it was a Chinese-produced anime.
Fans are already demanding “The Daily Life Of The Immortal King: Season 2” Updates. Here are all the latest updates of the show for you.
Trailer of The Daily Life of the Immortal King: Season 2
Bilibili has released “The Daily Life of the Immortal King: Season 2” Official Trailer during the event. In this, you can see the young lord taking the struggle to the next level despite his attempts since he lives a low-key existence.
This show is most likely known after seeing the final episode of season one. It also catches the attention of other gods and immortals.
The trailer was released two months ago and has received around 32k views.
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Plot of The Daily Life of the Immortal King: Season 2
Wang Ling is a close and invulnerable presence with an ability much beyond his control as a creative brain who has reached another realm like clockwork since he was one year old.
However, now that he is 16 years old, he confronts his most significant battle: high school. With trial after trial approaching, his plans for a laid-back high school life appear to be moving farther and further away. He discovered how to overcome the most profoundly entrenched soul when he was six years old.
The event’s viewers opted not to solve the boy’s riddle, giving him a choice to decide by himself. Wang Lin is no longer required to battle in any event. He encounters the spirit of an amphibian one day. In apprehension, the child claims to be dead.
The management made a very unusual decision for the school of magic. As a result, Van Lin becomes one of the understudies. Perhaps he will soon change everything completely.
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Its artwork and animation are among the greatest in Chinese production. All of the characters are said to have distinct personalities. The two major characters in the narrative who subsequently form a love story include:
- Wang Lin is unconcerned about the outside world and his actions. He is a calm person who wants to live a regular life. Wang didn’t want to convey the powers he didn’t utilize. Things start to bother him when he starts high school. Previously, his parents gave him pills to make him weak. Finally, he lives and retains his superpowers.
- Sun Rong is a bright student who studies the same subjects as Wang. She enjoys attracting attention and proudly displays her abilities. She demonstrates that she is not the same as Wang.
Chao Chen, who has a crush on Sun Rong, is another cast member. He is a genuine, courageous individual who serves as a class monitor. He feels that physical abilities can solve any problem. And his best friend, Hao Guo, is always ready to bust his pal’s fictitious bubble. He’s a clever person who doesn’t say much.
Others, primarily Wang’s high school friends, play supporting roles. These are some of the key personalities that will keep us entertained with a lot of fun, joy, and curiosity.
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Release Date
Since its conclusion, many people have been asking the same question: “Is it over?” This has been on our minds for several months since “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” concluded.
It appears that it is time for fans to celebrate since Season 2 has been confirmed as part of the 2020-2021 Chinese anime schedule, which was presented at their Bilibili event.
They haven’t spoken anything about a particular release date yet, but it will probably be in mid-2021.
Hopefully, you’ve learned everything there is to know about “The Daily Life Of The Immortal King.” It is already predicted to be one of the year’s top forthcoming Chinese anime.
It seems that it’s time for the fans to rejoice at the show’s return, “The Daily Life of Immortal King: Season 2.” If you haven’t watched season one yet! Then do give it a view. This series is one of the new Chinese anime added on Netflix and can also be watched on its official outlets on YouTube and Bilibili.
If you love to binge on Anime series? Do not forget to watch the upcoming season of this Chinese series.