Recently Taylor Swift addressed an issue from the year 2016. There was a phone call, the recording of that call got out; it was a call between her and Kanye West. Kanye didn’t ask for her permission before releasing the song Famous, and she was not ready for that. Kanye is said to manipulate things when the song was about to be released. The song had some disrespectful lyrics.
Taylor Did Warn Kanye Not To Put Those Lyrics
Kanye West, he might be cool, he might have the swag, but he is a victim of patriarchy. His lyrics make us realise that he still thinks that the world is male dominant. That he is above women. That he has the power to control women. First, he wrote lyrics that sound objectifying and portray misogyny and then he didn’t even respect the words of Taylor Swift. What kind of man is he?
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Kim Taking Stand For His Husband (Taylor Swift)
When the husband got in trouble, the wife stood up. Kim said that Taylor is lying that Kanye didn’t ask for permission. Either she is not aware of the songs that Taylor writes or about the way she portrays herself. There are no chances that she would have agreed to it. This woman needs to understand things the way they are. It is not too hard to get that Kanye is wrong here.
Why should he be defended here is the question. The call recording is out, and Taylor’s publicists himself told that it was original. The version about which Kim is talking might be edited as they are trying to save Kanye. Kanye has written more songs that contain such lyrics and he has a reputation that is not good. He might have manipulated Taylor while releasing the songs.
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Taylor Represented The Whole Issue Very Delicately
Taylor Swift is aggressive, and she is bold too, but when she talked about the whole call incident. She knows how to handle things, and that’s the best thing about her. This woman is brilliant, and she says what she is sure of, there is nothing that she speaks without proof. Kanye might face some problems now, Taylor will not leave him so soon.