One of the most eagerly anticipated manga series is “Surviving The Game as a Barbarian,” and a new chapter is coming up. This manga series is written and illustrated by Jung Yun Kang. This manga series has a large following in Korea, and people from all around the world are drawn to it.
Hansoo Lee had been playing the game “Dungeon and Stone” for nine years when he eventually reached the boss stage, which had never been cleared by anyone before. When he entered the boss area, he was informed that he had completed the tutorial and was now possessing the body of a playable character named Bjorn Jandel, a barbarian.
In our blog post, we have covered every piece of information regarding the next chapter’s release date, raw scans, spoilers, recap, and where to read. To get all this information regarding the chapter, continue reading our article and keep visiting for more manga updates.
Surviving The Game as a Barbarian Chapter 22 Release Date
You all want to know when the new chapter will be released. That’s why we are here to tell you everything. The upcoming chapter of “Surviving The Game as a Barbarian” is expected to be released on July 24, 2023. It has different time zones of release, the International Schedule for the upcoming chapter is as follows:
Time Zone | Date | Time |
Singapore Standard Time | July 24, 2023 | 11:00 PM |
Philippines Standard Tie | July 24, 2023 | 11:00 PM |
Pacific Time | July 24, 2023 | 7:00 AM |
Indian Standard Time | July 24, 2023 | 8:30 PM |
Greenwich Time | July 24, 2023 | 5:00 PM |
Eastern Time | July 24, 2023 | 10:00 AM |
Central Time | July 24, 2023 | 9:00 AM |
Surviving The Game as a Barbarian Chapter 22 Raw Scans
The last chapter of “Surviving the Game as a Barbarian” left the readers on the edge of their seats as the last chapter was unexpected by everyone, so fans want to know what will happen next and that’s why requesting the raw scans.
But as of now, we are not able to provide any raw scans to you, because raw scans have not been released yet. Usually, raw scans are released 3-4 days before the official chapter; to get the raw scans of the next chapter, it’s better to stay tuned with us and keep checking with us.
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Surviving The Game as a Barbarian Chapter 22 Spoilers
Fans of this popular manga series are requesting spoilers or leaks, so here we are with the spoilers or our predictions. Surviving as a Barbarian in the Game The red-headed plunderer will deal with our Barbarian Duo in Chapter 22. Aynar and Bjorn are outmatched, yet they jump into fight-or-flight mode the moment they see each other.
Given who their opponent was, this was the appropriate answer. Or the adversary that Bjorn had painted her as because she didn’t get a chance to speak properly.
It’s possible that there’s a significant misunderstanding about what’s going on at the scene, with Bjorn acting too quickly and failing to recognize that the situation isn’t as severe as it appears. Perhaps it is one to demonstrate that Bjorn has finally become one with the Barbarian, both physically and mentally. However, this leads to a number of amusing scenarios, one of which we will witness in the next chapters.
Where to Read Chapter 22
Webtoon is a platform that allows readers to read the manga series “Surviving the Game As a Barbarian.” Webtoon is a user-friendly website that is easy to control and use. Check out more interesting manga and novels on this site
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Jung Yun Kang’s manga series “Surviving the Game as a Barbarian” is greatly anticipated. Chapter 22 is scheduled to be released on July 24, 2023, with several time zones mentioned. Raw scans are not yet accessible. The chapter will involve a clash between the red-headed plunderer and the Barbarian Duo, which will lead to some hilarious events.
The chapter is available on the Naver platform for readers. Stay tuned for more manga content and updates. Follow or bookmark trending news buzz for more manga updates.