The longest-running CW paranormal horror drama series is coming to an end. Supernatural will wrap its run after its completion of 15th and the last season which consists of 20 episodes.
Stars Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Mish Collins made the announced in an Instagram video about the end of Supernatural.
“Well, it’s official. One more round for the Winchester Brothers. Though nothing ever really ends in Supernatural…does it?’ Ackels wrote in the Instagram caption in that video from the cast.
About Supernatural
The series follows brothers Sam and Dean Winchester as they pursue their father’s footsteps in the “family business”. Hunting down Supernatural monsters.
It was first premiered in 2005, since then the series gained a massive following throughout all the 15 seasons.
Supernatural has 327 episodes, ranking as the longest-running sci-fi/genre series in the American broadcast history and will end its run soon. Supernatural was among a bunch of CW series that continually renewed for new seasons.
The 15th season of the supernatural is getting a rating of 0.30 in the 18-49 demographic and 1.19 million viewers, which compared to season 14 is down by 26% and 17%.
Unlike Arrow, however, the CW has been able to turn this series into a more extended franchise. Over the years, the CW has introduced several new characters in an attempt to create potential spinoffs shows and develop more interest in the viewers.
Fourteen seasons in, this series continues the CW second most-watched and highest-rated among 18-49 aged people.
When Will, The Last Episode Take Place?
According to the latest reports, wait for the most favorite Supernaturals ended with its 15th renewal. No more seasons will be there from the team. After all the rumors out there, it is now confirmed.
But fans are really anticipating another season. Therefore the makers might consider to bring the Season 16 of the show.
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