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Stimulus Package And the Dread Within


David Mudd

The Pretext

As the pandemic continues to drill the world and take a toll on the economy of different countries altogether, another tension has spawned.

One Congressional relief package is expected to be approved by the end of July.

The details on exactly when a new economic impact payment will be made and who will qualify for a second stimulus check is yet to come out.

So is how much you might get won’t be hammered out until the Senate is back in session.

The size of another relief package — and how that money is divided up — will determine the amount that individuals and families are eligible to receive in a second economic impact payment.

The first stimulus check was approved in March.

It sent each person who met the requirements up to $1,200 apiece, and up to $6,000 for families.

The Situation 

White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow made a revelation on Friday.

She said that a second stimulus check will be smaller than the first.

That comes in absolute alignment with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has indicated that the next stimulus package would have a 1 trillion dollars.

Nonetheless, it runs contrary to the president’s stated desire for a larger paycheck.

The End

For the last two months, proposals have surfaced over how big a second stimulus check should be.

It could very well range from a single $1,200 payment up to $2,000 a month through the end of this entire coronavirus pandemic.

Stay updated because we’re hearing from the Senate, House of Representative and the White House about the next relief check.