Movies, Pop-Culture

Star Trek Discover Season 3: Release Date, Cast, Plot And What Can We Expect From It?


David Mudd

Star Trek Discovery season 3: Release date, cast, plot, trailer and everything you need to know

About The Series

It’s official, you guys! Star Trek: Discovery season 3 is coming soon!

After the second season was streamed back in January 2019, production was done and dusted with, by April.

That’s exactly when we realized a season renewal is soon to hit! *virtual dancing*

The executive vice president of CBS had to say something pretty voracious about the entire deal, though.

She said that the huge success of Star Trek: Discover’s second season had apparently exceeded their expectations.

Expectations in subscriber growth and as well as in getting a phenomenal response from Star Trek fans all over the world.

What To Expect (Star Trek)

Star Trek

She went on to say that she looks forward to a continual journey of the same, allowing the charter to grow and bringing to all the fans, new Star Trek stories for years to come!

Season 3, reportedly, is on some different level. And it was decided to be broadcasted, as soon as shooting for the second season was done away with.

I mean, ofcourse you wouldn’t NOT want to treat your loyal fans with a taste of your impeccable contribution towards a theatrical experience.

No definite date hasn’t been doing the rounds so far, but once we get even a subtle hint of when it is to come, we’d report to you right away!

It was although announced in early 2019 that Season 3 will drop somewhere next year(this year) but a tentative date is yet to be announced.

Progression (Star Treak)

Fans have been waiting with a doe-eye, for months now but it’s pretty obvious that amidst a life-threatening situation, no production can be kickstarted whatsoever.

Had Coronavirus not been doing its subtle round of killing, we’d have gotten a new season by now, but then, there’s technically nothing we can do about it but fret.

Star Trek

32nd century and 930 years into the future, let’s hope this one baffles us as much as the ones before this one had!

Keep your hair masks and smoothies ready though. And maybe watch the first two seasons for a better understanding of the one that’s about to dawn on us! How bow dah?

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