“Seraph of the End,” also known as “Owari no Seraph” in Japanese, is a dark fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Takaya Kagami and Daisuke Furuya that is set in the near future. Yamato Yamamoto is an illustrator who works on a well-known anime series. The first edition of ‘Seraph of the End’ was released on September 3, 2012, which was three years ago today.
A short time later, it was picked up for adaptation into an anime television series, with Season 1 of the show premiering on April 4, 2015. Anime enthusiasts were completely enthralled by the anime and got obsessed with it. The second season premiered later that year, and fans have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the third season ever since. Following is what we know about the third season as of this writing
When Can Fans See Seraph of the End Season 3?
On October 10, 2015, the second season of Seraph of the End, titled Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen began airing on television for the first time, following the enormous popularity of season one. Fans’ enthusiasm for the show was demonstrated through three special episodes and one original video animation (OVA) that aired in 2015 and 2016, demonstrating how much they enjoyed it.
However, despite all of the attention that the show has received, no information concerning the third season has been released. However, there is no need to be concerned because anime shows are infamous for taking lengthy intervals and gaps before releasing new seasons. Consequently, we may anticipate that the season 3 announcement will occur somewhere in 2022.
Because of the show’s success, the anime series has also been dubbed in English by some well-known performers, resulting in the anime gaining a worldwide following that is enthusiastic about watching it.
What Is the Plot of Seraph of the End?
A young boy named Yuuichiro Amane is the central character of the drama, which takes place on a fictional planet. Amane has a horrible past since he loses both of his parents when he was a very little child. While he is attempting to adjust and have a better life in the Hyakuyu Orphanage, not only is he but the entire human species, is struck by a major tragedy that will affect them all.
The planet is suddenly engulfed by a widespread sickness that kills everyone over the age of thirteen. While children grieve for the loss of their loved ones, vampires who have been sleeping for thousands of years ultimately rise from their underground lairs and take over the planet, enslaving humans and establishing themselves as the rulers of the Earth.
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The Earth is still under the control of vampires, despite four years of tragic events. Yuuichirou and his companions from the orphanage have gotten used to their new existence, which includes the fact that vampires are the superior and dominating race in their new world. A difference exists between Yuuichiro and the other vampires, however, as he refuses to submit in the face of the vampires because he dreams of the day when he will kill all of the vampires and recover his Earth for humans.
Yuuichiro’s fellow orphan, Mikaela Hyakuya, does not get along with him because he believes that it is much better to employ brains and cunning in order to survive and escape the vampires than it is to use force. Mikaela is successful in gaining the trust of high-ranking vampires, gaining internal knowledge and secrets about the underworld, and planning to use this information against the vampires in order to escape from the underground and return to the surface.
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However, his misfortune is compounded when, while attempting to flee, a vampire officer known as Ferid Bathory captures him and his fellow orphans and proceeds to slaughter them.
Yuuichirou, on the other hand, manages to get away from the bloodbath and make his way back to the surface. Upon reaching the surface, he is discovered by the Moon Demon Company of the Imperial Demon Army, a military group of humans whose sole mission is to eliminate vampires once and for all, so liberating humanity from their servitude by the vampires. Despite the passage of time, Yuuichirou and the Japanese Imperial Demon Army remain steadfast in their determination to exact vengeance on the vampires who murdered his family.
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When Yuuichirou reunites with Mikaela, whom he thought was dead, the story takes an unexpected turn. He discovers to his dismay that Mikaela has also become a vampire after their ill-fated reunion. A growing hatred for vampires grows within Yuuichirou, and he makes the promise to grow stronger and destroy the world of vampires that took his human companion and caused so much pain to the people of the globe. When he joins the Imperial Demon Army, he begins training for the fight against vampires and other supernatural creatures.
Who Is Going to Be in ‘seraph of the End’ Season 3?
Yuuichirou, the main character of the series, will almost certainly appear in the following season of the show. Some of Yuuichirou’s classmates and Moon Demon Company members, like Mikaela Hyakuya and Guren Ichinose, will also appear in the latest season, as will Shinoa Hiiragi and Yoichi Saotome. Other characters such as Yuuichirou’s Moon Demon Company squadmate Mitsuba Sanguu and Yuuichirou’s Moon Demon Company classmate Shihou Kimizuki will also appear in the latest season.
It was decided to discontinue Season 3 of Seraph Of The End because Wit Studio (Attack on Titan) was unable to find any more manga to adapt. Kagami has already added more than 40 new chapters to the Seraph Of The End manga series, ensuring that Wit Studios will have enough material for a third season of the television series. 09-Mar-2022