Action and supernatural genres are commonly seen in the manga series. The Sakamoto Days series is also spun around the same genres. The protagonist of the story Tarou Sakamoto, a prominent assassin falls in love. He gets retired, married, and soon becomes a father but later gained weight.
The fat guy who was once a legendary assassin now runs a store. The twist is that he is faced with some danger. Will he be able to secure his family from it despite his chubbiness?
In this article, we will delve deep into the new chapter 120 of Sakamoto Days, its release date, spoilers, and a lot more.
What is the Release Date of Sakomoto Days Chapter 120?
You will be glad to know the confirmed drop date of Chapter 120 of your special comic series Sakamoto Days. Wanna know about it? I know you will not like to miss it anyhow.
The upcoming chapter 120 of Sakamoto Days is scheduled to be released on May 28 and May 29, 2023, Monday.
I think you got confused with two dates. Stay calm dear….the variations in date are due to different locations and time zones.
You can confirm the release date and time of your location by the table below:
Location | Time Zone | Time | Date |
US & Canada (Pacific Time) | Pacific Time (PT) | 07:00 hrs | Sunday, May 28, 2023 |
US & Canada (Eastern Time) | Eastern Time (ET) | 10:00 hrs | Sunday, May 28, 2023 |
Mexico | Central Time (CT) | 09:00 hrs | Sunday, May 28, 2023 |
Japan | Japanese Standard Time (JST) | 12:00 hrs | Monday, May 29, 2023 |
Australia | Australian Standard Time (AEST) | 02:00 hrs | Monday, May 29, 2023 |
India | Indian Standard Time (IST) | 20:30 hrs | Sunday, May 28, 2023 |
Where to Read Sakamoto Days Chapter 120?
One of the most prominent questions that has to be addressed necessarily. The new chapter will be digitally available on many websites and apps. Viz Media, Shonen Jump app, Manga Plus, and Crunchyroll are a few of them.
You can relish yourself with the pleasure of this amazing new chapter as soon as it is aired on these apps. And don’t forget to mark the date in your calendar as a reminder.
Sakamoto Days Chapter 120 – Spoilers!
Spoilers are like a sneak peek into the story of the upcoming chapter. Right? Do you also agree with me?
We look for the spoilers because we remain anxious to know about the happenings of the forthcoming chapter. But very disappointingly I have to state that no spoilers have been shared so far by the makers for this chapter.
Even makers don’t want to spoil our curiosity for the new chapter. But it is expected that the spoilers of this new chapter will be shared a day prior to its release date. Therefore, keep reaching back to our website because we will be updating this article with the news information as they are shared.
Also, Read One Piece Chapter 1084: Release Date Countdown, Spoilers, Recap And Where to Read?
What is the Expected Plot of Sakamoto Days Chapter 120?
The readers are quite anxious to know about the turn that the story will take in the next chapter. It is expected that Sakamoto will be seen retaliating against Rion. In addition to this, he may also confront Uzuki, so some extreme and fierce actions can be easily anticipated in the next chapter.
Moreover, we can also find a reason behind the intensification of the anger of Uzuki that led him to take Rion’s life. So what will be the cause behind such harsh actions of Uzuki according to you? Was he really involved in her murder?
Will he be able to control his anger? You can share your thoughts on this in the comment section below.
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What Happened in Sakamoto Days Chapter 119?
Let’s take a quick glance at the summary of the last chapter 119 of the series Sakamoto Days.
When Uzuki let go of the bottle, Rion saw him and concluded the death of the JAA leader. Uzuki soon realized that Kindaka put his life at stake to save him, and hence, Rion accused Uzuki of the death of Kindaka.
Doctors disclosed the reason behind the death of Kindaka to be poison. Rion ran after Uzuki to get a hold of him but he ran away.
And later we saw that even Rion was doubted for the demise of Kindaka. Nagumo called Sakamoto, a year later and informed him that he has located Uzuki.
When Skamoto reached the location, he found Rion’s dead body lying there which shocked him and even Uzuki accepted that he murdered Rion.
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The article gave a brief description of the details related to Sakamoto Days chapter 120 which is scheduled to be released on May 29, 2023. However, no spoilers have been shared yet for this new chapter but is expected to be dropped a day prior to the official release of the chapter.
That’s all for now. If you liked our articles then share them with your friends and also bookmark our website for more such mind-boggling updates.