
Don’t Miss Out On Pamela Anderson Divorce! Explained!



Fans have questioned why Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee divorced. It’s not just their sex tape.

Anderson and Lee met on New Year’s Eve 1994 at Sanctuary in Hollywood. She told Movieline in 1995 that he licked her face. “I thought he was a cool, friendly, decent man. He got my number.”

What’s All The Noise About

Gauthier stole Lee’s rifle, Anderson’s jewellery, and a handmade sex tape the couple recorded on their honeymoon as retribution. Gauthier told Rolling Stone it took an hour to cut open the safe’s back with a demolition saw.

Inside the safe were family photos, a Rolex, a gold-and-diamond Cartier watch, gold-and-emerald cufflinks, a ruby-and-diamond crucifix, Anderson’s wedding swimsuit, and a Hi8 video.

Gauthier saw the tape at the North Hollywood porn studio where he worked. “We put it in, and cha-ching. “Dollar signs fly,” he said. “But we’re going, this is deadly.”

What Did Gauthier Do With The Tape

Gauthier gave the tape to porn studio owner Milton “Uncle Miltie” Ingley, who destroyed the original. Louis “Butchie” Peraino, who ran Arrow Productions, handed Ingley $50,000 for manufacturing and distributing the tape, expecting interest and a part of the sales. Ingley used the money to produce thousands of copies of the tape and hire someone to place it on three websites—,, and—where it could be purchased for $59.95.

Pamela Anderson divorce

Lee and Anderson engaged private investigator Anthony Pellicano in 1996 to recover their safe. On March 29, 1996, Lee and Anderson learned that Penthouse had a copy of the recording and sued Ingley and Gauthier for $10 million. 

A Big Mistake They Did

Lee and Anderson thought Warshavsky could broadcast the tape online but not sell it in stores. They realised their error after he sold hundreds of thousands of copies online. Lee and Anderson sued Warshavsky federally. Warshavsky owed Anderson and Lee $740,000 each in 2002. The couple never saw the money, said Rolling Stone.

Anderson and Lee had personal issues throughout their sex tape incident. The couple had Brandon Thomas in 1996. Dylan Jagger was born in 1997. Afterward, Anderson divorced Lee. Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee divorced. Their breakup wasn’t only over the sex tape.

Pamela Anderson And Tommy Lee split

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee split. Anderson divorced Lee on February 28, 1995, after being accused with spousal and child abuse. Anderson filed for divorce in Los Angeles Superior Court, citing irreconcilable differences, and requested full custody of Brandon, 20 months, and Dylan Jagger, 2 months. Anderson sought the court to restore her legal name, Pamela Denise Anderson, after marrying Lee in 1995.

Anderson phoned the police on February 24, 1995, after Lee kicked her in the back and buttocks three times while she held 7-week-old Dylan. His arrest happened the same day. The police report said Anderson had a broken finger and back marks. Lee faced spousal abuse, child abuse, and gun accusations. 

The Judge Told Him Lee To Go For Therapy

Judge Lawrence J. Mira also ordered Lee to attend anger management treatment, refrain from contacting Anderson, complete 200 hours of community service, donate money to anti-domestic violence programmes, and face random drug and alcohol testing. Anderson told reporters following Lee’s sentencing, “I’m anxious for him to see his kids, as I’m sure they are to see him.” Ms. Anderson said, “I’m proud of Tommy.” I’m glad he admitted fault. It’s a step toward mending.

Pamela Anderson divorce

After Lee’s release from jail, he and Anderson reconnected until 2001. In 2008, Anderson, Dylan, and Jagger moved in with Lee. Lee told Rolling Stone, “We’ve only tried 800 times. 801, here we go.” “Pamela and the kids live with me. Amazing. “It works” A source informed People that Anderson and Lee “know each other pretty well” In 2010, the couple divorced.

Brandon, Lee and Anderson’s 20-year-old son, assaulted Lee in 2018. Lee posted a shot of his swollen, wounded mouth “My heart is torn.” “You can give your kids everything they want and they’ll still turn on you. Brandon, thanks! Son!” Brandon acted in self-defense, but Lee denied it. He tweeted, “Hey @Tmz, get your facts straight before broadcasting crap.” My fiancé and I were sleeping when my son attacked me. He knocked me out when I urged him to go. Police chased him. TRUE.”

A source informed Us Weekly that Brandon and Lee fought over statements Anderson made about Lee’s 1998 arrest. The source said Lee was “livid” about the interview and fought Brandon after he supported his mother. The insider stated Tommy was furious about Pam’s comments to Piers. Brandon defended Pam, and chaos ensued. The insider added, “The whole episode represents broader family difficulties.” Brandon loves his dad so much.

Anderson dubbed Lee the “definition of narcissist/sociopath” in a post titled “Alcoholism is the Devil” “I won’t talk to Tommy again until he’s sober.” Anderson: “He’s tried to reach me.” “He’s blocked. Crazy is unreasonable. I’m sure the world knows. I stand with my kid, who acted in self-defense and was afraid.”

Where Are Pamela Anderson And Tommy Lee Now

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee: Anderson and Lee announced they were on good terms at the Swingers Club premiere party in Los Angeles in November 2021. In 2015, Anderson dubbed Lee her “lifelove.” Tommy was alone. My soulmate. “Our wild beginnings were too much for both of us,” she remarked. “It was instant love.

Pamela Anderson divorce

I knew him four days before marrying him.” She added, “We had gorgeous children. My kids are grateful to be born out of pure love. I was piecing together everything else.” She also said she was buddies with Lee. She remarked, “We’re terrific friends and co-parenting better.” “He’s a tremendous supporter, and I’m glad we’re friends.”

Pamela Has Married Multiple Times

Anderson has remarried four times since divorcing Lee. 2006-2007: She was married to Kid Rock. She married Rick Salomon in Las Vegas in October 2007. In February 2008, they divorced. Anderson and Salomon divorced in 2015 after remarrying in 2014. Anderson married producer Jon Peters in 2020. Anderson parted from Peters a month later in February 2020, claiming they were never lawfully married. Anderson married bodyguard Dan Hayhurst in 2020. They split in 2022.