The most eagerly anticipated series is “One Punch Man,” which has created a huge fan base through its anime adaptation of the manga. One Punch Man is the story of our main protagonist, Saitama,” who has more exceptional power than the other heroes. One Punch Man is written and illustrated by ONE and Yusuke Murata.
As the previous chapter had just been released, the fans started searching for the next chapter of One Punch Man. In the next chapter, readers can learn more about Garou and Shadow’s new antagonists and their plans to take control of the globe.
In this blog post, we have covered every piece of information regarding the next chapter’s release date, raw scans, spoilers, recap, and where to read the next chapter. To get all the information regarding the next chapter, continue reading this article.
One Punch Man Chapter 188 Release Date
Chapter 188 of “One Punch Man” is expected to be released on July 12, 2023. You can read it after it’s released. The International Schedule for the upcoming chapter of One Punch Man is as follows:
Time Zone | Date | Time |
Pacific Time | July 12, 2023 | 9:00 AM |
Central Time | July 12, 2023 | 11:00 AM |
Eastern Time | July 12, 2023 | 12:00 noon |
Indian Standard Time | July 12, 2023 | 9:30 PM |
Australian Standard Time | July 12, 2023 | 2:00 AM |
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One Punch Man Chapter 188 Raw Scans
The last chapter of One Punch Man was full of plots, fights, and character development and ended with an interesting cliffhanger. The fans want to know what will happen in the next chapter and are continuously requesting raw scans of the next chapter so that they can get a glimpse of the next chapter. As fans are eagerly waiting for the next chapter.
But this time, we do not have to provide any raw scans to you. As it is still not released by the publications, don’t worry; raw scans are released 3-4 days before the official chapter. We will soon provide you with the raw scans of the next chapter as soon as they are released. So stay tuned with us.
One Punch Man Chapter 188 Spoilers
Fans are requesting any spoilers or leaks regarding the next chapter. But as of now, we do not have any spoilers or leaks regarding the next chapter. We will soon provide you with the spoilers once they have been released.
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One Punch Man Chapter 187 Recap
In the previous chapter, we saw that the King sees Xiaobai, the beloved dog of Komir, and a monstrously large dog with two eyebrows that look like commas. King sees both of these sights at the same time. He asks the young woman wearing yellow for more information about the specifics of the finding that she has discovered.
After an hour, a big truck stops in front of him, and a little girl in a yellow dress gets out. The air is quiet; there are hardly any apparent creases in the King’s attire, and his smile shows complete satisfaction. The King motions with his hand. Three veterans are in the truck as it drives up, and they evaluate Xiao Bai to determine his current state of health.
The three kings were briefly speechless when they first saw the painting of Xiao Bai, their pet dog who was the size of a Teddy bear. The girl with the spectacles and the yellow dress remembered earlier occasions when they had competed against Xiaobai and triumphed.
King furrowed his brow and thought that if he hadn’t been mistaken in his estimation, Xiaobai’s combat prowess would have at least been comparable to that of a ghost. King sighed in relief when he learned that Xiaobai had suffered serious wounds from the vet. The three parties to the incident were then described by him.
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Where to Read One Punch Man Chapter 188?
You can read the upcoming chapter of “One Punch Man” on the popular manga platform Viz. You can check out different genres of manga on this site; make sure to check it out.
In summary, in our blog post, we have covered the expected release date of July 12, 2023. But we are not able to provide any spoilers or raw scans this time. In a recap, you can read the whole story of the previous chapter.
If you have any queries or questions regarding our blog post, you can comment below. Follow or Bookmark our website for more manga updates.