One Piece is a manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It was first published in July 1997. The manga series is about to release its chapter 1089 and we are here to provide you all the latest updates about One Piece Chapter 1089 Release Date and more. Let’s take a quick look.
One Piece Chapter 1089 Release Date
Chapter 1089 will be published on July 30, 2023 at 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time.
Release Time
Pacific Daylight Time: 9 AM
Eastern Daylight Time: 12 Noon
Central Daylight Time : 11 AM
British Summer Time: 5 PM
Japan Standard Time: 9:30 PM
Korea Standard Time: 9:30 PM
Eastern Standard Time: 8 A.M
India Standard Time: 11:30 P.M
Eastern European Summer Time: 3:30 A.M
Australian Eastern Time: 10:30 A.M
Washington DC Time: 08:30 A.M
New York, USA Time: 08:00 A.M
One Piece Chapter 1088 Recap
Imu and Cobra started talking about the spread of the Poneglyphs throughout the world and the results. Imu guides Cobra to address Lili by her full name. Cobra revealed her name as Nefertari D. Lili. However, she got stabbed by Imu after revealing the name.
Sabo tried to attack the Five Elders but could not defeat them.
Cobra told Sabo to run and deliver a message to Luffy and Vivi that the Nefertari Family shared the “D.” name. Sabo realized that both Luffy and Ace shared the “D.” name. Imu attacked Cobra again, and Cobra died. Sabo escaped. Vivi was captured by the CPO members.
In previous chapters like One Piece Chapter 1081, One Piece Chapter 1084, One Piece Chapter 1086, One Piece Chapter 1087, and One Piece Chapter 108 the storyline contributed a lot to make the manga worthline and make it able to receive good reviews from its readers. If you wish to know more of this manga, you can go through its previous chapters to go into depth.
One Piece Chapter 1089 Spoiler
Currently, there is no spoiler available as of now. However, we can surely expect some twist and turn to the storyline. It will continue where it was left off in the previous chapter. Now that The manga series is about to release its chapter 1089, All the unhidden truth and the previous actions’ consequences will be revealed. What do you think will be the biggest revealation.
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One Piece Rating
One Piece has managed to earn fanbase and is loved by many readers. Talking about its rating, One Piece has received 8.9/10 rating on IMDb and 8.7/10 on MyAnimeList, making it one of the most successful as well as popular manga series to follow.
Where To Read One Piece Chapter 1089?
One Piece Chapter 1089 is available online to read on Shonen Jump, MangaPlus, and Viz Media. We suggest you to read it on official sites only to pay off hardwork to its creators.
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Is It Worth Reading?
The ratings and reviews of One Piece is good and we can trust the response. You should definitely give it a try if you are true looking forward to read something interesting that can create your interest and makes you get engaged in reading it with the hope, what can happen next? The manga series is worth reading.
One Piece is a Japanese shonen manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. Chapter 1089 will be published on July 30, 2023 at 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time.
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