In the popular Japanese television series Nisekoi, which is based on the manga series Naoshi Komi, there is a lovely romantic comedy that leaves its viewers with light and glad hearts. The manga series first appeared in 2011 and was picked up for adaptation as an animated television series, which premiered on January 11, 2014. The manga series first appeared in 2011 and was picked up for adaptation as an animated television series four years later.
Almost everyone, including the readers and watchers, was enthralled by and thoroughly enjoyed the show. Of course, the show’s success leads to a second season being produced in less than a year, which was released in April 2015. Since then, Nisekoi Season 3 has been eagerly anticipated by fans.
Nisekoi Season 3 Release Date
Since the launch of season 2 of the show in 2016, fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of season 3 of the show. After receiving a large number of requests from fans, the creators of this famous show agreed to develop a movie with the same name, ‘Nisekoi: False Love,’ which was released on December 2, 2018, and which followed the same storyline as the series and manga.
The Nisekoi franchise has been well-received by fans and has received positive reviews from critics as well. According to our expectations, season 3 of this show may be the next endeavor for the show’s producers. Despite the positive reception it has received around the country, there is a potential that the show will not return for a third season.
The show’s premiere date has not been set by the production studio, and there is currently no official word on when it will air. As a result, it would be best to hold off until they make an official announcement.
Nisekoi Season 3 Cast
Find the expected cast of the third season of the series Nisekoi below.
- Koki Uchiyama as Raku Ichijou
- Nao Toyama as Chitoge Kirisaki
- Kana Hanazawa as Kosaki Onodera
- Yumi Uchiyama as Ruri Miyamoto
- Yuki Kaji as Shuu Maiko
- Mikako Komatsu as Seishirou Tsugumi
- Kana Asumi as Marika Tachibana
- Kengo Mizoguchi as Schoolboy
- Toshinari Fukamachi as Henchman
- Ryouta Igarashi as Schoolboy
- Masaaki Yano as Gangster
- Reina Ueda as School Girl
- Takehito Koyasu as Claude
- Nobuyuki Hiyama as Ryuu
- Hitomi Nabatame as Kyouto
- Akira Sekine as School Girl
- You Taichi as Honda
- Ayane Sakura as Haru Onodera
- Ken’ichi Ogata as Raku’s Father
- Masashi Ebara as Chitoge’s Father
- Eri Suzuki as School Girl
- Sayaka Ohara as Kosaki’s Mother
- Manami Numakura as Paula McCoy
- Kentaro Tone as Company President
- Kotori Koiwai as Fuu
- Megumi Toyoguchi as Hana Kirisaki
- Haruo Yamagishi as Yoshino
- Fumihiko Tachiki as Marika’s Father
- Sayuri Sadaoka as Priestess
- Eiji Miyashita as Henchman
- Takahiro Sakurai as Migisuke
- Yu Kobayashi as Parrot
- Takashi Matsuyama as Restaurant Manager
- Kiyoko Miyazawa as Old Lady Receptionist
- Kimiko Saito as Female Guest
- Yusuke Kabuta as Yakuza
- Yuu Maeda as Yakuza
The Plot and Storyline of Nisekoi Season 3
Raku is the son of a Yakuza criminal who works under the supervision of Shuei-Gumi. Raku’s father is a straightforward and honorable individual who, nevertheless, suffers from a stammering problem. Chitoge (with whom Raku falls in love) was the daughter of Beehive, who was the leader of a rival organization to Shuei-Gumi at the time of the events of the novel.
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The story begins when Raku meets Chitoge in high school and the two become friends from that point on. They had no idea that they belonged to two opposing gangs in the city until it was too late. When the time comes for them to be separated, Raku promises to come to Chitoge’s side and marry her if the situation requires it. His gift to her is a locket pair with a key lock, which serves as a symbol of his devotion to her. At the time of separation, he handed over the key to the young lady.
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Ultimately, the film has a happy conclusion in which both lovers get married and the gang becomes friends, thereby contributing to a more tranquil climate in the city. Given that the season concluded on a positive note, there are no plausible scenarios for the plot of season 3. However, if it does come, it will have a completely different plot and may even have some new characters.
The Plot for Season 3
As we saw, season 2 of Nisekoi came to a satisfying conclusion, leaving no room for speculation about a possible third season. Fans are still interested in how the love story of Raku and Chitoge is progressing since it is possible that a new twist may be introduced between the two characters.
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Some rumors regarding season 3 suggest that we might see Yui-nee return and confess her emotions to Roku, which would add some spice to the love affair between Chitoge and Raku. Season 3 is currently airing on Netflix.
The Imdb Rating of Nisekoi
This series has garnered overwhelmingly positive comments all around the world, making it one of the most successful Japanese animation series of all time. The show has received a positive response from both reviewers and audiences, earning a 7.2 out of 10 rating on IMDb. It is also ranked in the top 16 anime series on IMDb, out of a total of 30.
It is revealed towards the conclusion of the anime that Kosaki is the promise girl. While the majority of us rallied to Chitoge Kirisaki’s side, we were later shown to be incorrect. 28-Apr-2019