
Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump Morbidly Obese


David Mudd

Nancy Pelosi fears for ‘morbidly obese’ Trump after hydroxychloroquine admission

Nancy’s Comments

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, set an alarming gesture after Trump said he was taking hydroxychloroquine to shoo away the virus.

Trump’s own government has apparently warned him of the drug, suggesting him of the fatal side effects.

Nothing has perpetually bothered him as of yet.

When Nancy was asked about this entire thing on CNN, she went on to give a few snarky comments.

She started off saying that he is their president and she would rather him not be taking such drugs which hasn’t been approved by scientists.

Preferrably so, she continued, for someone as old as him and as morbidly obese as him.

Pelosi Has Trump Over a Barrel - POLITICO

Trump’s Fortune

I mean, Trump is 73 and the last full body checkup he had was last year where he was declared obese.

Similarly, State Democratic leader Chuck Schumer thought Trump’s technical intake of hydroxychloroquine was utterly horrid.

A few people have went on saying that the President orchestrates plenty of things so it isn’t even sure if he’s really taking the drugs.

Even the Chinese government gave their comment on this entire situation,saying trump is using witchcraft to deal with the pandemic. Excuse me?

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The Truth In This Matter

Well, Trump sure has been reportedly saying how he has been taking doses of the drug along with a zinc supplement since 2 weeks.

And although officials have not recommended its usage, Trump has accepted he feels pretty alright.

Prominent doctors have come out saying that they’re worried at this self treatment.

This is because people might take Trump’s example and try it out on themselves.

If anything, hydroxychloroquine has been proven ineffective in the treatment of Coronavirus.

It sure increases the risk of heart-diseases. Now if you still want to go ahead and try it out, you are free to do so.


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