Japanese manga series, Mashle: Magic and Muscles is written and illustrated by Hajime Kōmoto. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since January 2020. An anime television series has also been adaptation by A-1 Pictures premiered in April 2023.
Mashle: Magic and Muscles chapter 161 has recently been released and now readers are waiting for its next chapter. Let us share Mashle: Magic and Muscles Chapter 162 release date with you. We have more to share with you. Keep reading to know what we have found out so far for you.
Mashle: Magic and Muscles Chapter 162 Release Date
Mashle Magic And Muscle Chapter 162 is expected to be released on July 2, 2023.
Here is the release time as per different time zones
- 8:00 AM: PST on Sunday, July 2
- 9:00 AM: MST on Sunday, July 2
- 10:00 AM: CST on Sunday, July 2
- 12:00 PM: EST on Sunday, July 2
- 5:00 PM: GMT on Sunday, July 2
- 7:00 PM: CEST on Sunday, July 2
- 9:30 PM: IST on Sunday, July 2
- 1:00 PM: AST on Sunday, July 2
- 2:00 PM: BRT on Sunday, July 2
- 11:00 PM: ICT on Sunday, July 2
- 12:00 AM: PHT on Monday, July 3
- 1:00 AM: JST on Monday, July 3
Where Can You Read Mashle: Magic and Muscle Chapter 162?
You can read Mashle: Magic and Muscle on the Manga Plus website for free. You can also download the Shonen Jump Manga and Comics app to read Mashle: Magic and Muscle.
Mashle: Magic and Muscles Chapter 161 Recap
In Chapter 161, Innocent Zero points out Mash that his victory was achieved at a cost. Mash convinces Innocent Zero to restore the damage. Innocent Zero uses Return Force Timez Thirds to get the lost time, making sure not to disturb flow of time. His heroic efforts saves everyone.
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A few months later, it shows Divine Visionary Induction Hall, where no one qualified to be visionary this year. However, because Mash has saved the world with his actions, he is chosen to be the visionary. The chapter ends here.
If you wish to read more recaps, you can have a look on Mashle Magic and Muscle Chapter 158, Mashle: Magic and Muscles Chapter 157, Mashle: Magic and Muscles Chapter 160 , and Mashle: Magic and Muscles Chapter 161 to read more of this manga so that it can give you speculations of what’s coming next in yoire way.
Mashle: Magic and Muscles Chapter 162 Spoiler
Unfortunately, no spoiler is available or out for Mashle: Magic and Muscle Chapter 162. However, the spoilers and raw scans are speculated to be released on 29 June, 2023.
Is Raw Scan Available?
Currently, the raw scan is not available but it will soon be available 2 days before the release. So we can expect is around June 29. Stay in touch yo know more Mashle: Magic and Muscles.
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Mashle: Magic and Muscles Rating
The manga received favorable reviews from its audience. The interesting plot makes readers awake to know what happens next?
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Talking about its rating, it has rated 7.8/10 on IMDb and 10/10 on MyAnimeList.
Is It Worth Reading?
Yes, it is worth reading. It has received good reviews for its interesting storyline as well as character devolpement with powerful elements filled with adventures and emotions. If you haven’t read it before, you can give it a try for sure.
Mashle: Magic and Muscles is a Japanese manga series. Mashle: Magic and Muscles Chapter 162 is going to release on July 2, 2023.
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