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Man Livestreams His Suicide On Facebook


David Mudd

The Pretext

Facebook technically failed to stop the live stream of a father’s suicide despite reports of dozens of people warning the platform what was happening!

Nothing could be worse now.

The man,Jonathan ‘Bazza’ Bailey, 50, posted that he was going to kill himself at 1 pm.

This was on Saturday before starting a live stream.

More than 400 people had watched the live stream.

Among them, some frantically tried to alert Facebook to the situation!

A friend wrote on Facebook to say he drove to Mr Bailey’s house in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, to try and stop him from hanging himself but when he arrived police had already taken him away.

The Situation

Mr Bailey is believed to have written, ‘I’m Going to Hang Myself Today’, on Facebook before starting a live stream.

His daughter, Lucy Bailey, took to Facebook to detail her despair at mental health services in the UK.

She wrote: ‘Something needs to change, I can’t explain how many times you’ve been let down by the mental health services.’

‘I’m never going get my head around the fact we can’t speak everyday anymore I can’t see you hug you.’

‘I’m forever going to try and do you proud.’

The End

Alongside her emotional post, she uploaded two screenshots of text messages from Mr Bailey.

Herein, he explains how he wasn’t being offered enough advice on correct medications to take for his depression.

Facebook issued a statement after the incident happened.

It claimed it sent ‘support documents’ to Mr Bailey after his initial suicidal status was uploaded.

A spokesman said: ‘Our thoughts go out to Mr Bailey’s family at this difficult time.

‘We can confirm that the Livestream was deleted very soon after being posted and this further post has also now been removed at the family’s request.

‘We take the responsibility of keeping people safe on our platforms seriously, and we will continue to work closely with experts like The Samaritans to ensure our policies continue to support those in need.’