Lookism is a manga series written and illustrated by Park Tae Joon. This manga is very popular and demanding manga which basically revolves around a high school student named Daniel Park, who looks unattractive. However, one day he gets power to have one more appearance which is attractive.
Lookism is about to release chapter 467 so, check out for Lookism chapter 467 Release Date, Spoiler, Recap and much more.
Lookism Chapter 467 Release Date
Waiting for the release of Lookism chapter 467? The wait is over now. Lookism chapter 467 will release on September 21, 2023. Also read about the release of these latest manhwa series like Secret Class Chapter 167 and Mercenary Enrollment Chapter 153
Lookism Chapter 467 Release Time
Here is the release times for various regions:
- Eastern European Summer Time: at 3:30 AM
- Pacific Daylight Time: at 9:00 AM
- Eastern Daylight Time: at 12:00 Noon
- Central Daylight Time: at 11:00 AM
- British Summer Time: at 5:00 PM
- Korea Standard Time: at 9:30 PM
- Eastern Standard Time: at 8:00 AM
- India Standard Time: at 11:30 PM
- Australian Eastern Time: at 11:30 AM
- New York, NY USA: at 08:00 AM
- Japan Standard Time: at 9:30 PM
Lookism Chapter 467 Raw Scans Release Date
If you are looking for its raw scan, you don’t need to wait longer as you can expect raw scans to be available on September 18, 2023. What are you waiting for? Are you excited to give it a read?
Lookism Chapter 466 Recap
In the previous chapter, we have learnt about Jake who defeated Samuel, and has the effect of the drug without even taking any. Jay entered the room, and becomes his responsibility to look after him. In order to know what has happened in the previous chapters of Lookism, read Lookism Chapter 463 and Lookism Chapter 464 Release Date
Lookism Chpater 467 Spoiler
Lookism chapter 467 will continue to show the character developments of the main character, Park Heong Seok, who has been bullied for his appearance and weight. His body undergoes a transformation in Seoul which gains his confidence. Do you know waht is the spoiler of Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 236. Don’t miss out on anything.
Where to Read Lookism Chapter 467?
In order to support the creators of Lookism, you should read the new chapter from the official sites only, such as the Webtoons app and the official site Naver.
Is Lookism Chapter 467 Worth Reading?
Lookism talks about social injustice like body shaming, and bullying. But the character development take place through the path of self acceptance. If you are looking for a fresh manga with realistic theme and sensible storyline, then this manga is for you. You should surely give it a read.
Lookism Chapter 467 Rating
Ratings are one of the greatest way to know whether or not investing time on reading any particular manga? Lookism has received 4.5/5 rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It also has received good reviews from audience as readers feel sympathetic towards the main lead who goes through unwanted issues likr bullying and discrimination on the basis of appearance.
Lookism is a manga series written and illustrated by Park Tae Joon. Lookism Chapter 467 is set to release on 21 sept. 2023. The raw scans to be available on September 18, 2023. Lookism has receives 4.5/5 rating on Rotten Tomatoes and good reviews from the readers. The new chapter will available to read on the official site of Naver as well as the webtoon app, where you can find out the previous chapter as well.
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