Kabaneri of Iron Fortress: Season 2 is one of the best original anime series.
It was launched by Wit Studio. Usually, anime series are based on manga(Japanese comics) or light web novels. But this series doesn’t have any source material and was telecast directly as a TV series.
The anime covers multiple subgenres — Dark Fantasy, Post–Apocalyptic Dystopia, and Steam-punk. After the Attack on Titans, not many shows have picked this idea. The Kabeneri of the Iron Fortress has the potential to become the next great Anime series.
Check out the story below to know about the show which just might become your next favorite on the watchlist.
Plot of Kabenari of the Iron Fortress: Season 2
The series takes us back to Japan during the industrial revolution. The action takes place on the island of Hinomoto. One day, completely out of blue, a large number of kabane. The Kabane are zombies, infected by an unknown virus. The fatal effect of this virus spreads like fire, turning normal people into zombie-like Kabane( Japanese for Corpses). Pretty soon, a huge number of people are turned into Kabane. Along with a handful of fighters, two Kabaneri stand in the way of the blood-drinking monsters and they are the ones who take the responsibility to fight the Kabane to death.
The outbreak of this virus has changed the lives and livelihood of the people of Hinomoto. They don’t live in normal houses anymore. They live in iron fortresses. They live inside the train station so that they can easily use the train to travel and gather supplies.
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THE KABANE: How it all started
Not much is known about how it all started. All we know is that one day a monster arrived on the island of Hinomoto and spread a virus. This virus changes people into undead Bloodthirsty killers. Once the person is infected, they feel a strong desire to drink blood and will get it at any cost. They have no control over this urge. This makes them deadly.
The Kabaneri

A kabaneri is a cross between a human and a kabane. They don’t quickly turn into bloodthirsty zombies and their human side prevails and remains in control for a longer period of time.
In the series, our hero Ikoma and heroine Mumei both are Kabaneri -neither a pure human nor a pure Kabane. Their hybridization has set them apart from normal people. They have become stronger, tougher, and quicker. This set of new qualities have helped them to become great warriors. In fact, along with a handful of survivors, Ikoma and Mumei become the wall between the kabane and the people of Hinomoto.
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Mumei in Kabaneri of Iron Fortress: Season 2
Mumei is the character who makes you smile the moment you see her. She is bubbly, cheerful and at times can be a bit immature.
Not much is revealed about her past and only glimpses are shown through flash black. It seems that her mother sacrificed herself to save Mumei. As a child, Mumei witnessed her mother’s death right in front of her eyes. This trauma haunts her in the form of a nightmare.
Ikoma in Kabaneri of Iron Fortress: Season 2

Ikoma lived in Aragane station and this is the place where Ikoma meets Mumei for the first time. He used to work as a smith. Before all this, Ikoma had a sister. He loved her dearly. One day she was killed by a Kabane. That’s the day Ikoma vowed that he would not rest and one of the Kabane was dead.
Ikoma is the first person to innovate a heart-piercing gun. When his station Aragane is invaded, he finally gets the chance to test his gun and succeeds.
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Everything comes with a price

Ikoma created a heart-piercing gun that would destroy the iron-caged heart of Kabane and kill them instantly. When Ikoma tested the power of his weapon, he found out its power. But in the process, something happens that changes everything in his life. A chunk of his arm is bitten out by a Kabane and thus giving him the virus. Ikoma becomes kabaneri and uses a heavy iron belt-suit to tie up the bitten portion so that the infection does not spread.
This horrible accident takes a huge toll on Ikoma. It almost destroys him, psychologically. He becomes the very person he has vowed to kill.
Mumei is the only person whom Ikoma has trusted enough to show his vulnerable side. In these vulnerable yet fateful moments, they form a new kind of bond. Mumei promises Ikoma that she would find him a cure.
Mumei and Ikoma bond in Kabaneri of Iron Fortress: Season 2
Mumei and Ikoma share a unique bond. They trust each other. They fight for each other as well. The emotional connection between them is beautiful and yet complex. There is no escaping that they have feelings for each other but they have not been upfront about it. This makes the viewers root for them even more.
Whenever Ikoma’s Kabane side seems to be prevailing, it is only Mumei’s face that can change him back. He attacked Mumei twice while he lost control. Mumei started to cry seeing him like that and Ikoma became human again. Ikoma means a lot to Mumei. She promised him she would find him a cure to turn him into a human.
Ayme Imogawa
Ayame is the eldest daughter of the Yomogawa family. She is a sweet-natured person who has absolute loyalty and obedience towards her father. But she is capable of standing up for herself and fighting for what she believes to be right.
She protests when her father does not allow the Kabaneri to board the locomotive. She protests yet again she finds Ikoma and Mumei both are treated horribly by uninfected commoners. She offers her blood to Ikoma and dresses his wounds. She learns to become a leader.
She seems to like Kurusu, her bodyguard but nothing is mentioned directly regarding this between the two.
Takumi of Kabaneri of Iron Fortress: Season 2
Takumi is a close friend to Ikoma and his former colleague. Takumi admires Ikoma because Ikoma was always this fearless person who protested against anything wrong.
He seems to care for Ikoma more than he admits. Often he scolds Ikoma calling him a “self-righteous idiot”.
Biba Amatori of Kabaneri of Iron Fortress: Season 2
He rises as the antagonist of the story.
He is the leader of the Hunters. He created this group of elite Samurais as a line of defense against the Kabane. He taught Mumei that the weak ones die and the strong ones live. Mumei does not share his philosophy.
Kabaneri of Iron Fortress: The movie series
From 2016 to 2019 three movies were released on this series. The first two movies were based on the first and second halves of the Season 1 of the show. But the final part released in May 2019 by Netflix, was kind of a continuation of the events that take place after season 1. The three parts are respectively known as – Kabaneri of Iron Fortress: The Gathering, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: Burning Life and the final part was – Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: The battle of Unato.
Reception of Kabenari of Iron Fortress: Season 2
After the awesome ” Attack on the Titans“, not a lot of shows gained this much popularity. This show made its mark on a large number of people who admire the artistic style, use of a brighter color pallet, and character sketches.
Kabenari of Iron Fortress: Season 2
Season 2 of the show is much anticipated. But unfortunately, no official declaration has been made in this regard. Perhaps a strong demand from anime fans is needed to renew the show in a second season.
Hardcore anime fans are pretty difficult to satisfy and they have given generous reviews about the Kabeneri of the Iron Fortress.
The show focuses on the fact that there is an eternal battle that takes place within our hearts. A kabaneri may be seen as a symbol of a true human being with all his conflicts and pain and fears and any other quality of feeling that creates a monstrous side that is hard to control.
The internal battle of our two favorite kabaneri seems to be more difficult than the external one. By being a part of the show, we too get to be part of their journey as well as go through our own.
We’re still dealing with the Release Season 2 uncertainties. Let’s presume we’ll be able to see the seasons shortly.
Stay connected with us for additional information if you’re seeking for the hottest news on your favourite anime or television programmes. Good luck with your readings!