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Jurassic World 3: Postponed! New Release Date, Cast, Plot And Its Updates


David Mudd

Jurassic World 3 release date is still a while away from now. However, much like nearly every other movie, the coronavirus pandemic has halted its progress. So, despite having a lot of time in their hands, will the filmmakers be able to get this movie done in time for its premiere?

Uncertainty About Delay

Right now, it is tough to predict anything. The coronavirus pandemic is showing signs of slowing down here and there, but we don’t know anything for sure. Universal Studios, the film’s production company, also decided to suspend production on the film a few weeks ago.

Jurassic World
Jurassic World 3

That doesn’t mean that all work on the film has stopped, though. The film, titled Jurassic World: Dominion, still has some gears turning here and there. Colin Trevorrow, who directed the first Jurassic World, is back to direct this one.

He recently shared an image on his Instagram page that will give fans of the franchise some hope that it the movie won’t be delayed after all. The image shows what we can assume is a shot from the film, with Trevorrow’s caption saying that he’s “working from home”.

Original Actors All Returning Jurassic World

Jurassic World 3 should be something of a nostalgia bomb for long-time fans of the series. All of the first Jurassic World’s main characters are back for this one. This includes Laura Dern as Ellie Satler, Sam Neill as Alan Grant and Jeff Goldblum as Ian Malcolm.

Sam Neill also weighed in on the production’s suspension with a write-up on Variety. He expressed his disappointment at not being able to work, stating that he missed the cast and crew.

Jurassic World

“We have been cryogenically frozen, and “Jurassic World: Dominion” is on hold. Insects in amber. And like virtually every actor in the world right now, I’m not working. Dammit,” he writes.

He does assure fans that they will get back to making the movie as soon as possible, though. Jurassic World 3 should pick up where the previous film, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, left off.

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Newer Characters Will Also Be Part Of The Film

This movie would also see the newer cast members interact with the original crew. Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jake Johnson and many others who only entered the series in the first Jurassic World will all be back for this one.

Jurassic World
Jurassic World 3

As of right now, Jurassic World: Dominion is still set to release on June 11, 2021.