Jeff Jarrett Net Worth
With a net worth of $15 million, Jeff Jarrett is an American professional wrestler and wrestling promoter who has made a name for himself in the sport of wrestling. He was born in Hendersonville, Tennessee, in July 1967 and raised in the surrounding area. Jeff comes from a wrestling family that dates back three generations. Refereeing for his father’s Continental Wrestling Association, which he joined in 1986, was his first professional wrestling job in the United States.
He received training from his father and Tojo Yamamoto, and made his professional debut in an April 1986 match.
During his wrestling career, he represented his father’s United States Wrestling Association as well as competing on the independent circuit. Since 1993, Jeff has been a member of the World Wrestling Federation, where he performed until 1996. His gimmick was that he was a country music artist, and he went by the moniker “Double J.” From 1996 to 1997, he performed for World Championship Wrestling before joining the WWF in 1997 and remaining there until his retirement in 1999.
After that, he returned to WCW in 1999, where he remained until he was fired live on air by Vince McMahon in 2001. From 2001 until 2003, he competed for the World Wrestling All-Stars promotion. Jeff and his father founded J Sports and Entertainment in 2002, and the company launched Total Nonstop Action Wrestling the following year.
He competed for TNA on and off throughout the years, and he retired from the company in 2013, although he continued to be an investment in the company. Since 2004, he has alternated between wrestling for the Mexican promotion Asistencia Asesoria y Administraction (AAA) and other promotions.
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In April 2014, he began competing for Global Force Wrestling. Jeff was the World Heavyweight Champion of the World Wrestling Federation (WCW) four times, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion six times, and the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion six times. In 2010, Jeff Jarrett tied the knot with Karen Smedley (previously Karen Angle).
Jeff Jarrett in the WWE Hall of Fame! What a man. #Wrestlemania
— Paddy Power (@paddypower) April 9, 2018
Jeff Jarrett About
Jeff Jarrett is considered to be one of the greatest superstars in the history of professional wrestling. As one of the few superstars to be inducted into both the WWE and TNA (now IMPACT) Halls of Fame, he is a rare breed.
The veteran of 54 years found success in practically every promotion he applied for. A former WCW Champion, he’s also a six-time WWE Intercontinental Champion and a six-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, among other accomplishments.
Having co-founded TNA Wrestling in 2002, he quickly rose to the position of business opponent to Vince McMahon. Although his relationship with WWE deteriorated over time, he eventually returned to the organisation in 2018, which was a major step forward.
During the years 2019 to 2021, Double J also worked as a backstage producer for the WWE. As a result of budget cuts, he was “quietly” removed from consideration for the promotion.
.@RealJeffJarrett is in the house for #Smackdown! @rickboogswwe @ShinsukeN
— WWE (@WWE) January 22, 2022
Jeff Jarrett has made a number of memorable appearances on WWE television since making his comeback in 2019.
Despite being a surprise entrant, Jarrett made his way into the 2019 Royal Rumble contest. He attempted to persuade Elias to participate in a unique musical duet, but the latter had other things in mind for the evening. The Drifter hammered Jarrett’s back with his guitar before tossing him over the top rope and into the crowd below.
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Jeff Jarrett Facts
Rеаl Nаmе/Full Nаmе Јеffrеу Lеоnаrd Јаrrеtt
Nісk Nаmе/Сеlеbrаtеd Nаmе: Јеff Јаrrеtt
Віrth Рlасе: Неndеrѕоnvіllе, Теnnеѕѕее, Unіtеd Ѕtаtеѕ
Dаtе Оf Віrth/Віrthdау: 14 Јulу 1967
Аgе/Ноw Оld: 54 уеаrѕ оld
Неіght/Ноw Таll: Іn Сеntіmеtrеѕ – 183 сm
Іn Fееt аnd Іnсhеѕ – 6′ 0″
Wеіght: Іn Кіlоgrаmѕ – 104 Кg
Іn Роundѕ – 229 lbѕ
Еуе Соlоr: Вluе
Наіr Соlоr: Вlоndе
Раrеntѕ Nаmе: Fаthеr –Јеrrу Јаrrеtt
Моthеr –Dеbоrаh Јаrrеtt
Ѕіblіngѕ: Јаѕоn Јаrrеtt, Јеrrу Јаrrеtt, Јr.
Ѕсhооl: Gооdраѕturе Ніgh Ѕсhооl
Соllеgе: N/А
Rеlіgіоn: Веlіеvеѕ іn gоd
Nаtіоnаlіtу: Аmеrісаn
Zоdіас Ѕіgn: Саnсеr
Gеndеr: Маlе
Ѕехuаl Оrіеntаtіоn: Ѕtrаіght
Маrіtаl Ѕtаtuѕ: Маrrіеd
Gіrlfrіеnd: N/А
Wіfе/Ѕроuѕе Nаmе: Каrеn Ѕmеdlеу (m. 2010), Јіll Grеgоrу (m. 1992; hеr dеаth, 2007)
Кіdѕ/Сhіldrеn Nаmе: Јоѕlуn Јаrrеtt, Јеrlуn Јаrrеtt, Јасlуn Јаrrеtt
Рrоfеѕѕіоn: Wrеѕtlеr, Рrоmоtеr, Вuѕіnеѕѕmаn
Nеt Wоrth: $15 mіllіоn
Jeff Jarrett Age, Height and Weight
As for his age, height, and weight, how old is he in 2022? To put things in perspective, еff аrrett is 54 years old as of today’s date, 24th Sarc 2022, and was born on July 14, 1967. Even though he stands at 6 feet, 0 inches, and weighs 229 pounds in weight, he is just 104 kilograms in weight.
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