“I am being raised by the Villains” is a manga series written and created by Ja Eunhyang and illustrated by Lee Asong. This manga series combines the fantasy and romance genres, with the idea of Isekai and rebirth. Fans of this manga series are eagerly awaiting the next chapter’s publication.
We’ve covered all you need to know about the upcoming chapter, including the publication date, raw scans, recap, spoilers, and where to read it. Continue reading our post to gain all of this information, and stay tuned for quick manga updates.
I Am Being Raised By Villains Chapter 33 Release Date
You’re all curious about when the next chapter will be available. The next installment of “I am Being Raised by Villains” will be released on August 6, 2023. The following is the International Schedule for the forthcoming chapter:
Sure! Here’s the updated table with the country names removed:
Time Zone | Date | Time |
Pacific Daylight Time | August 6, 2023 | 8:00 AM PDT |
Central Daylight Time | August 6, 2023 | 9:00 AM CDT |
Eastern Daylight Time | August 6, 2023 | 10:00 AM EDT |
Greenwich Mediterranean Time | August 6, 2023 | 5:00 PM BST |
Indian Standard Time | August 6, 2023 | 8:30 PM IST |
Singapore Standard Time | August 6, 2023 | 11:00 PM SGT |
Philippines Standard Time | August 6, 2023 | 11:00 PM PST |
Korean Standard Time | August 7, 2023 | 12:00 AM KST |
Japanese Standard Time | August 7, 2023 | 12:00 AM JST |
Australia Eastern Daylight Time | August 7, 2023 | 02:00 AM AEDT |
I Am Being Raised By Villains Chapter 33 Raw Scans
Fans are always searching for and requesting raw scans of the upcoming chapter as they eagerly await the next chapter. The previous chapter ended on a cliffhanger, so fans wanted to know what would happen in the next chapter, however, we do not presently have any raw scans that we can share with you.
What will happen in the next chapter is unknown as it is kept a secret, but we are keeping a careful eye to see if we acquire any raw scans, so stay tuned for more useful information.
Read more: Solo Farming in the Tower Chapter 21 Release Date, Raw Scans, Spoilers, Recap, and Where to Read!
I Am Being Raised By Villains Chapter 33 Spoilers
As you all are requesting the spoilers of the next chapter, so here we are with the spoilers or predictions regarding the next chapter. Villains are Raising Me In Chapter 33, Eirin will deal with the prince, who can’t help but be honest about his behavior.
The guy was taught to be a royal, and it’s evident that he was spoiled from infancy, which has made him arrogant in the present. And, based on the brief flashback in the previous chapters, we can assume who spoilt him the most.
In the present, however, the Prince wonders to whom he should write
his final letter because he has come to believe that his death is imminent and could occur at any time. Despite his intrusive ideas, he does not share them with the female lead. Furthermore, he is unaware of Eirin’s interest in saving him from his impending death.
I Am Being Raised By Villains Chapter 32 Recap
In the previous chapter, we saw the Prince fleeing from the castle. But his escape was thwarted when he was apprehended by guards and taken back to the palace. And at this point, his health had deteriorated to the point where the doctor predicted he wouldn’t live long.
That proved to be true, and the prince died the next winter, leaving his family in mourning. The monarch is given a skewed account of the events that led to his declining state. After that, it was anarchy for the citizens who had nothing to do with the prince’s situation.
Where to Read I Am Being Raised By Villains Chapter 33
You all wanted to read the chapter but didn’t know where to find it, so here we are to inform you where you may read it. You can read the upcoming chapter in its raw form on the popular site Kakao. This site has more intriguing manga and novels.
Read more: Solo Max Level Newbie Chapter 112 Release Date, Raw Scans, Spoilers, Recap, and Where to Read!
“I am Being Raised by Villains” is a captivating manga series written by Ja Eunhyang and illustrated by Lee Asong that combines fantasy and romantic themes. Fans are looking forward to Chapter 33, which is scheduled to be released on August 6, 2023.
The next chapter of the novel promises exciting changes, such as the prince’s behavior and the female lead’s efforts to save him. Follow us on Kakao for additional updates. Follow or bookmark trending news buzz for more manga updates.