It seems that Project Baseline, set up by Google parent company, Alphabet, is selling patients information for the company’s profit. Read ahead to know more.
About Project Baseline Google
Alphabet owns Project Baseline. Alphabet is Google’s parent company. Project Baseline came into existence on 24th July 2014. It collects phenotype health data. Furthermore, the company employees experts in the field. Their expertise includes science, engineering, medicine, and patient advocacy.
Furthermore, the company tells the possible diseases an individual can have in the future. Also, it provides the baseline of good health. Moreover, it gives a list of diseases after studying individual data.
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Website Set-Up By AlphabetÂ
Alphabet has set-up a pilot site, Project Baseline. It provides access to COVID-19 screening facilities. Furthermore, it collects individuals data to determine whether he/she needs coronavirus testing. Moreover, the testing is open to people in Northern Carolina.
Moreover, it is free for everyone. Individuals have to fill in a questionnaire. The questionnaire will asks you questions regarding coronavirus symptoms. Furthermore, medical facilities analyze your data.
Speculations On The Company Google
It seems Project Baseline is selling patients’ database for-profit purposes. The company is using crucial patients information for commercial purposes. Dr. Eugene, a famous personality on Twitter pointed to the terms and conditions of Project Baseline.
Project Baseline mentions in its terms and conditions that the data collected can be used for commercial purposes. Moreover, the company violates HIPAA privacy laws. The patient’s data is shared with medical companies. It is sold to biotechnology and hospital companies.
You need a Google account to sign-up. This stores your identity. Furthermore, Google or its, parent company, Alphabet has made no statements yet.
Amidst the health crisis, Google continues with gathering information for medical purposes. However, the company will have to justify how the data collected is used. Moreover, the company will undergo an inquiry. Finally, an investigation might take place.
If found to be selling data for commercial purposes, Google will have to shut down Project Baseline. Also, Google will have to pay fines. Furthermore, data sold can mislead people. Therefore data selling should be prevented at all costs.