
FL Studio Basics: An Essential Tutorial for Newbies


Mohit Kamboj

The FL Studio toolkit is formerly known as FruityLoops. As a digital audio workstation (DAW), the platform has been used for over 25 years by producers. People love the DAW and it is now available on mobile devices, too.

If you’re always on the go, FL Studio is a great option.

What is FL Studio?

FL Studio is a one-time purchase DAW, and it’s built around a beautiful graphic user interface that’s based on patterns. Four editions are available, and you’ll find that it’s one of the most seamless platforms because it has flexible system requirements.

System Requirements and Installation

You can follow FL Studio tutorial for beginners and use them across any of the following supported systems:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows
  • MAC

You’ll need to have a recent version of Android or iOS. Due to its minimal system requirements, you can begin using it on Windows with specs of:

  • Windows 10 or later
  • 4GB of disk space
  • 4GB of RAM

However, the more рowerful your рroсessor is, the better for your рroԁuсtion. Users аррreсiаte thаt the рlаtform offers free lifetime uрԁаtes аnԁ а seаmless exрerienсe between Winԁows аnԁ mасOS.

In fact, you can install FL Studio on Windows and Mac on one license.

FL Studios is a powerhouse of a tool, and you can use it on virtually any device that you can imagine. But how do you use it? It starts with the interface.

The FL Studio Interface

FL Studio’s interface is intuitive and easy to use, which is what every beginner hopes to find in their DAW.

Main Menu and Toolbar

FL Studio toolkit’s main menu and toolbar are at the top of the platform. You’ll find all of the basic features, such as:

  • File
  • Edit
  • Add
  • Pattern
  • Views
  • Options
  • Tools

You’ll then notice knobs and sliders that allow you to easily change values and make fine adjustments. Snapping allows for consistent settings across tracks. There is also a quick reset option, so if you make poor judgments when setting your interface up, you can reset back to the default.

Your main menu also allows for in-depth view controls, helpers, grouping, zoom and time markers.

Spend time mastering FL Studio’s main menu and toolbar if you want to truly master production quality.

Browser and Browser Panel

Your current project folder allows you to easily see all of your project information and data easily. Currently loaded projects will have many sections, including:

  • History
  • Patterns (more on that soon)
  • Effects
  • Generators
  • Remote control
  • Initialized controls

If you need to make rapid project adjustments, they can be made through the browser panel.

Playlist and Patterns

Musical creativity and creation revolve around playlists and patterns. We’re going to explain how to create them in greater detail below, but they allow you to:

  • Add sub-folders
  • Provide initialized controls
  • Provide automation

Files can also be used to create an audio clip playlist, which often includes samples and instrument sounds that you can use throughout your project.

Once you learn the basics, you can begin using patterns.

Creating and Editing Patterns

Patterns contain sequences of notes and/or event automation data that you can add to your Playlist.

If you have repetitive elements in your productions, Patterns will be really useful and will save you a lot of time when building your composition.

The simplest way to create a new pattern is to click the “+” sign next to the patterns bar. You can rename the Pattern and drag it over into your Playlist.

Working with Plugins and Effects

FL Studio makes it easy to work with plugins and effects. Each Mixer track has up to ten plugin effects, but you can extend this number by using Patcher or routing one mixer track to another.

VST/AU plugins have a number of options under the Wrapper Settings and Processing tabs.

FL Studio makes it easy to keep your plugins organized. In the Browser, you view your Plugin database, which works with the Plugin picker to make your plugins easily accessible.

Working with effects and plugins is simple. Just click and drag or load your file.

In Conclusion

FL Studio Basics: An Essential Tutorial for Newbies

FL Studio gives producers the tools they need to unleash their musical creativity. Tutorials and courses are the best way to master this program and use it to its full potential. Use the guide above to take your music production to the next level.