If you consider yourself a Star Wars fan then there’s a good chance you know more than the average person when it comes to characters, storylines, locations and so forth. But even diehard fans of the series don’t know everything and are usually on a quest to learn as much as they can. Here we’ll take a look at the casino city known as Canto Bight, located on the planet of Cantonica. Fans will remember this location from showing up in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Here are three facts about Canto Bight you probably didn’t know.
There Is Heavy Influence from a Notable British Spy Character
As the scenes in Canto Bight unfold on the screen, savvy viewers may be quick to notice there is a sense of familiarity about it, or at the very least some inspiration taken from a well-known character. That character is none other than 007 – James Bond. The director of The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson, has confirmed attributing much of his inspiration to the Bond environment and films. The casino is meant to be the playground for the ultra-rich and famous, much like what a typical Bond film depicts.
The Character Voice for Dobbu Scay May Surprise You
Fans of Star Wars see Mark Hamill as the ultimate fan favourite and an iconic character, but you may not know all there is to know about him. There is a character who appears in Canto Bight, Dobbu Scay, who is one of the many gamblers in the scene. This is the character that had an encounter with BB-8. Well, the voice for Dobbu Scay is Mark Hamill.
This isn’t new territory for Hamill, as he has been known to voice other characters here and there in the franchise. Another example was in The Rise of Skywalker in which he voiced Boolio – an alien. It seems Hamill may be a bit of a super fan himself, looking for any opportunity to expand his place in the Star Wars saga.
Carrie Fisher Has Ties with the Canto Bight Sequence
Did you know Carrie Fisher also has a unique tie to one of the scenes in Canto Bight? Her actual dog – Gary – has a small cameo in the casino. Gary is held by an alien, so you’ll be able to spot him easily enough.
How to Infuse Some Canto Bight Action in Your World
Now that we’ve taken a deep dive into Canto Bight, it may have you wondering how you could bring a little casino action into your life. Sites like Maple Casino provide lists of the best online casinos in Canada, which means you can find action whenever the mood strikes. Online casinos are all about convenience since they are available 24/7 from the comfort of your home.
One of the most intriguing things about the Star Wars universe is the multi-layer storylines that exist. Peeling back the layers, digging deeper, and coming across fun and interesting facts is something any die-hard fan can appreciate.