Fantasy and action Korean Webtoon series, Eleceed is written by Son Jae Ho and illustrated by ZHENA. It revolves around the story of Jiwoo, a kind-hearted young man. He tries to make world a better place to live with possessing the lightning reflexes of a cat.
For those who have been waiting for the series to come out, the wait seems to be over as Eleceed Chapter 253 release date is out.
Eleceed chapter 253 Release Date
Chapter 253 of Eleceed is scheduled for a release on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, KST. The chapters are released weekly.
Check out the international schedule for Eleceed Chapter 253 below:
- Indian Standard Time (IST): 08:30 PM on Tuesday, July 4, 2023
- Central European Time (CEST): 05:00 PM on Tuesday, July 4, 2023
- Pacific Time (PST): 08:00 AM on Tuesday, July 4, 2023
- Eastern European Time (EEST): 06:00 on Tuesday, July 4, 2023
- Philippines Standard Time (PHT): 11:00 PM on Tuesday, July 4, 2023
- Singapore Standard Time (SST): 11:00 PM on Tuesday, July 4, 2023
- New York: 11:00 AM on Tuesday, July 4, 2023
- Japanese standard time (JST): 12:00 AM on Wednesday, July 5, 2023
- Eastern Indonesian Time (EIST): 12:00 AM on Wednesday, July 5, 2023
- Korean standard time (KST): 12:00 AM on Wednesday, July 5, 2023
- Australian Capital Territory (ACST): 01:00 AM on Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Where to Read Eleceed Chapter 253 Online?
You can read Eleceed Chapter 253 on Naver Series and Naver Webtoon in the raw format which will be available in Korean Language. For english translation of Eleceed Chapter 253 is available on Line Webtoon.
Eleceed Chapter 252 Recap
The chapter began with Duke Grane and Seo Jinwoo’s duel. Jinwoo was losing which surprised everyone. Wheh Jinwoo became little slow in between in fight, Duke Grane used his skill on him. Roist noticed this. Jinwoo realized a pain inside his stomach.
Jinwoo tried to get back on his feet but Duke Grane attacked him and, Jiwoo got injured as his legs and arms were in bad state. Jinwoo got back on the match and gave punches to Duke Grane. Duke Grane told him that he doesn’t even have the strength to throw a punch.
Jinwoo was aware of what Seongnik Han told him. Seongnik Han told Jinwoo that he’s too dependent on distance when he uses any his skills, so Jinwoo used this technique on Duke Grane and won the fight.
If you wish to go in detail about what has already happened in the manga series, Eleceed then we offer you more recaps based on previous chapters like Eleceed Chapter 237,Eleceed Chapter 240, Eleceed Chapter 241, Eleceed Chapter 242, Eleceed Chapter 247, Eleceed Chapter 248, Eleceed Chapter 249, Eleceed Chapter 250, Eleceed Chapter 251, and Eleceed Chapter 252. You can check out these chapters for better understanding of what has already happened. It can also give you speculations about what can happen in coming chapters.
Eleceed Chapter 253 Spoilers
So, Are you excited about Eleceed Chapter 253 and want to know the spoilers already? Well, we are as excited as you are. In the next chapter, we may expect the scenes after the fight. As soon as everyond finds out that Duke Grane cheated, Kayden might come as Kayden had fought three challengers from the top 10, and becomes even more stronger than before, he will challenge Scheider. Indeed, the upcoming chapter is bringing lots of suspense.
Eleceed Chapter 253 Ratings and Reviews
Eleceed has received acclaim from audience and critics, generally received positive reviews for its storyline and well done performance.
It has rated as 8.40/10 on MyAnimeList.
Is Eleceed Worth Reading?
The answer is simply YES. Eleceed is worth reading. It has went 201 Million views on the Line WebToon app. Readers addressed it to be one of the best manga of all time. The manga is filled with action, and emotios elements that helps in leading storyline in a way that all the characters leave impressive mark.
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If you like reading action, fantasy, with the involvement of humor in them, You should definitely give it a try.
The release date Eleceed chapter 253 is 5th July. The time for international readers has already mentioned above in the article.
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