There is a piece of amazing news for all the gamers out there. The Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot DLC 1 is here. And we can’t keep calm! Now there is something about the game that can be disappointing. But the game is overall an amazing experience for us to have. There isn’t much content to suffice the thirst of gamers.
But then whatever is there is quite challenging. It is one of the best combinations of what was expected of the story, and how the game is envisioned for the player. The game is going to focus on the much-awaited fight with Beerus.
So there isn’t much content featuring original story episodes. There are going to be more boss battle episodes. So that can be quite amazing to play. Read on to know more about the game.

How To Play Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot’s DLC?
You can play DLC most simply. First of all, you have to download it. Then you just open the menu and go to Addons. Now there, you will see an option for DLC because it is available in your system. You select DLC 1. Then accept the message on the screen.
And this gives you access to DLC. You can do this anytime to your ease. And enjoy the game. Then you’ll enter into this world. And it is amazing. You will get the Whis’ training. Also, you’ll get access to the battle with Beerus. So stay on till you find about that.
The Whis’ Training In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Whis’ Training is going to be one of the most interesting parts of the game. You get two types of training. One is the super level up training and the other being limit break training. Now you will have many battles against Whis at different levels.
What is the most amazing thing is that the battle conditions will be unique for every battle. You will get different conditions, including a reduction of the Ki cost of super attacks or an increase of the melee damage. So there is nothing that can be left out.
Each battle is associated with different levels. Also, you’ll get various rewards and points for every challenge. Limit break training will be relatively simpler. There isn’t much difference in the battle conditions for it.
Also, Read
More About The Much Awaited Fight With Beerus
The most interesting part of the game is going to be the much-awaited fight with Beerus. Youll see it as the most challenging fight you’ve ever fought in the game. You can battle Beerus only after you reach level 250.
And that means you’ll be pretty prepared till then. And you can unlock the Super Saiyan God transformation with it. So if you can beat him, everything is yours. You get 1.5 million experience points and 20 Ultimate Sacred Waters.
So put your best foot with the god of destruction.
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