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Is There A Season 7 To downton Abbey ?


David Mudd

Downton Abbey is a historical drama. Two years back, Carnival Films and ITV Studios announced that season 6 is the ultimate finale for the historical period drama series.

Despite that, the audience still has expectations that the series and their favorite characters will return.

That could be either a spin-off series or a film adaptation.

Downton Abbey spin-offs, sequels and cinematic universes: a concept - Radio Times

 Julian Fellowes created the series and Carnival Films and Masterpiece co-produced it. Since the season 6 finale, we haven’t heard any updates for the new season. 

Downton Abbey is going to be returning this year with the show’s first big-screen outing. But will Downton Abbey make a comeback to television screens and will there be another film?

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What Makes The Show So Popular?

Well, Downton Abbey, even today, is one of the most searched series on Google. 

The series advanced itself to the big screen with the Downton Abbey film that was released last year.

The Abbey film was a global hit. It did exceedingly well, triggering the fans’ expectation for a Season 7 even more.

Downton Abbey: About the show

Downton Abbey takes place in the early 20th century and is set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey.

The timeline is roughly between 1912 and 1926. The show details the aristocratic lives of the Crawley family, and their domestic helps in the post-Edwardian era.

Significant events in History have a direct effect on their lives and the British social hierarchy.

Events illustrated throughout the show’s run include the drowning of the Titanic, the onset of World War I, and the outbreak of the Spanish influenza epidemic in Season 1.

Season 2 draws lights on the infamous Marconi scandal, the glorious Irish War of Independence culminating in the creation of the Irish Free State in Season 3.

The Teapot Dome Scandal in Season 4; and the General Elections of Britain in 1923, and the failed coup by the Nazi Party of the Beer Hall Putsch in Season 5.

Season 6 constitutes the rise of the proletariat class during the Between the Wars period (end of WWI in 1918 and the advent of WWII in 1939) particularly hinting at the gradual decline of the British nobility.

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Downton Abbey Season 7 Premise

The last episode of the previous season was aired on December 25, 2015. It is too soon to speculate which part of the History the makers will illustrate next in Downton Abbey Season 7.

But the maker of the show Julian Fellowes in a cryptic interview has hinted that there might be a Season 7 of the series.

However, according to a report online, one of the cast members candidly revealed to one of the reporters that Season 7 would comprise of events in the post-World War II era to modern times.

Critics and fans have praised Downton Abbey for showing the events of the past and placing the facts in an unbiased and accurate manner.

They will enjoy the most important events that make History an entertaining way.

The Release Date? 

The makers have not announced the official dates yet. But the odds are that we might see season 7. 

And there are chances for a spin-off or maybe a full-pledged season if we are lucky enough!

From a story perspective, this would be way more satisfying than another film, but the latest news has them making a film, not a series as I just mentioned above.

That does make me jump in joy, nonetheless. Does it do the same to you?

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5 Best Downton Abbey Moments

Although, Downton Abbey has countless awesome moments. So, to make it short for you, I’m listing 5 of my all-time favorite Downton Abbey moments. 

1) Day At The Beach

Throughout the 6 seasons, Downton Abbey has portrayed love in numerous shades. From the wholesome devotion between Mrs. Hudges to Mr. Carson to a passionate love relationship with the young Crawleys. You see an aspect of love in their journey.

In episode 8 of season 4, Mrs. Hudges & Mr. Carson paddle together into the ocean. Further, when Mrs. Hughes offered her hand to Mrs. Crason, the pleasant smile on both of their face won my heart. It was too satisfying for my eyes. 

2) Mr. Pamuk’s Follies

In the 3rd episode of the series when Mr. Pamuk arrived at Crawleys, he suffered from a heart attack. At the time, It was strange to see him lying on Mary’s bed.

Even though it wasn’t a funny scene but the way Anna, Cora, & Marry were carrying the dead Pamuk, made me burst into laughter. What do you think? Did you find it funny? Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section given a the end of this post.

3) Mr. Bates Home Coming 

If you’ve watched the Downton Abbey tv series all the way to season 6, you might be aware of the struggles of Mr. & Mrs. Bates. They suffered severe trauma. They were wrongfully accused of crimes they never committed. It’s a never-ending list. It goes on and on.

In episode 7 of season 3 when Mr. Bates was released from wrongful imprisonment, the happy hug between Anna & him was one of the memorable moments for me.

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Final Words

I don’t know whether there will be any Downton Abbey season 7 or not. Even if the series ends at season 6, I’ll be at peace as I at least got to know of this amazing story. What do you think? do you want to see season 7 of the Downton Abbey tv series? Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section given at the end.

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