
Destiny 2: Return Of Iron Banner With A Quest Revealed By Developer


David Mudd

Good news for Destiny 2 game players as Iron Banner is back in the game. Furthermore, it comes back with a new weapon quest. Read ahead to know more.

About The Game Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is an online multiplayer video game. Furthermore, it is a first-person shooting game. It is developed by Bungie. Patrick O’ Kelly is the producer of the game. Furthermore, Jason Harris and Christine Thompson are the writers of Destiny 2 game.

destiny 2

It can be played on Playstation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One. Destiny 2 is a science fiction game. Also, Stadia is the new platform on which Destiny 2 can be played. The game was launched on Stadia in November 2019.

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What Is Iron Banner In Destiny 2 Game

Iron Banner is a monthly PvP live event. Players have to activate the Iron Banner event. As a result, they get access to special crucible features. Furthermore, these features include special rewards. These rewards exist in the form of Iron Banner Tokens.

Players can use the IronBanner Tokens at The Tower to exchange them with Iron Engrams. As a result, you will get modified armor and weapons. Many new Auto-rifles and shotguns are added to the game. Players can exchange the Iron Banner Tokens to get the same.

New Quests Brought In The Game 

To get the Pursuit Weapon, players will have to complete the Smelting Light Quest. Furthermore, completing Iron Banner Quests, players are rewarded with the new deadly shotgun, The Fourth Horseman.

Another new quest is to enter Zavala’s Office. Players will have to return to the orbit. Then they will load back into the tower to enter in Zavala’s office. By navigating various rooms and vents, players will eventually find a way to Zavalla’s vault.

Besides obtaining the deadly The Fourth Horseman shotgun, players can also find the new exotic auto-rifle, Tommy’s Matchbook in the vault. Moreover, these two are the strongest weapon in their class of weapons.

Furthermore, both the weapons are awarded only after the timely completion of Iron Banner Quest.