Yeah, I am getting a little sick of covering the whole Snyder Cut thing too! But it’s trending so I guess here it goes. The announcement that Snyder is going to get a chance to release his cut of the film sent fans into a frenzy.
After all, they had been campaigning for the release of the Cut for a while; having raised money for charity, sponsored several air banners and whatnot! So, I suppose you can say that these guys are very much dedicated to their work!
Also Read: Why The Snyder Cut Won’t Fix Justice League
Great, Now We Have People Clamouring For An Ayer Cut!
As it were, the movement has inspired a lot of fans who are hoping that they can campaign for alternate cuts of movies. Chief among them is 2016’s Suicide Squad; the film was critically reviled upon release; with critics lamenting its muddy aesthetics, poor plot and wasting a talented cast. Batman V Superman’s terrible reception led to Warner Bros execs panicking left and right.
And in the rush to come to a conclusion as to why the film failed, they decided that the film wasn’t “fun” like a Marvel film.
In any case, that wasn’t why the film failed. It failed because it was rushed and the director was only given six weeks to pen a script; not to mention that the film was juggling competing cuts to make it more “fun”.
The film’s director, David Ayer has gone on record to state that his cut of the film was changed in the editing room. Ayer has subsequently confirmed that his cut of the film is real and it exists and also that it wouldn’t take much to finish and release it. Admittedly, while I’m intrigued to see an Ayer Cut, I would rather that I saw the director’s vision in the theatrical release itself. If only studios didn’t have kneejerk reactions to trends!