Tatsu wrote and Yukinobu illustrated “Dandadan,” one of the most anticipated manga series. This is the story of Momo Ayase. Momo Ayase becomes unhappy after witnessing a boy being bullied. The occult-obsessed child, who has been saved by her quick generosity, wishes to talk with her about otherworldly interests he believes they share. Rejecting his assertions, Ayase declared that she believes in ghosts instead, igniting a debate between the two regarding which is correct.
To determine who is correct, the two resolve to go to places associated with the occult and the supernatural, with Ayase going to the former and the kid going to the latter. When the two arrive at their destinations, they learn that neither of their predictions was right and that the occult and ghosts exist.
We have covered every detail about the publication date, recap, raw scan, spoilers, and where to read the chapter in our blog post. Continue reading our post to learn everything there is to know about the following chapter.
Dandadan Chapter 116 Release Date
Everyone is looking forward to the release of the next episode. The next chapter of “Dandadan” will be released on July 31, 2023. The following is the international schedule for the forthcoming chapter:
Time Zone | Date | Time |
Japan Standard Time | Mon, 31 Jul 2023 | 20:30 |
Central Time | Mon, 31 Jul 2023 | 06:30 |
Eastern Standard Time | Mon, 31 Jul 2023 | 06:30 |
India Standard Time | Mon, 31 Jul 2023 | 17:00 |
Korea Standard Time | Mon, 31 Jul 2023 | 20:30 |
Australian Eastern Time | Mon, 31 Jul 2023 | 21:30 |
Eastern Time | Mon, 31 Jul 2023 | 07:30 |
Bangkok Thailand | Mon, 31 Jul 2023 | 18:30 |
Dandadan Chapter 116 Raw Scans
The next chapter of “Dandadan” is currently unavailable in raw form. The previous chapter of this comic series was full of action, thrills, plots, and suspense, so we know fans of this manga are looking forward to the next chapter. However, people are requesting raw scans in order to learn what will happen in the next chapter.
However, no raw scans have been provided as of yet. Raw images are typically released three to four days before the official chapter. Stay tuned for the raw scans of the upcoming chapter.
Dandadan Chapter 116 Spoilers
No spoilers or leaks have yet been provided. We understand that every fan wants to know what will happen in the next chapter, but we are presently unable to provide any spoilers for the next chapter. Stay tuned to us or visit our website for more spoiler updates.
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Dandadan Chapter 115 Recap
The previous Chapter of “Dandadan” is anticipated to represent the Space Globalists’ last demise at the hands of Earth’s defenders. Momo takes on the critical mission of closing the connection between realms, preventing additional dangerous aliens from entering Earth’s atmosphere.
The extraterrestrial threat has compelled her to act. Momo is determined to fulfill her vow to Rokuro Serpo by erasing all Serpoians-related material in addition to completing this vital mission. Given the ongoing violence, Kinta’s arrival, which is designed to coincide with the unveiling of his incredible “mecha bike,” couldn’t come at a better time. His one-of-a-kind vehicle is expected to provide the human side with a decisive advantage against the invading extraterrestrial soldiers.
Where to Read Dandadan Chapter 116
Readers from all around the world are eager to read the next chapter but are unaware of the official source. Dandadan’s forthcoming chapter can be found on the popular portal Mangaplus. On this website, you may find more interesting novels and manga.
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Tatsu’s manga series “Dandadan” is being written and illustrated by Yukinobu. The plot revolves around Momo Ayase, who disputes the existence of the occult with a little child. To settle the matter, they go to their different locations and learn that the occult and ghosts are both real.
The next chapter is set to be released on July 31, 2023, with no spoilers or raw images presently available. You may read it on Mangaplus. Follow or bookmark trending news buzz for more manga updates.