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Coronavirus: Europe Sees Two Children Deaths, WHO Urges To Focus On Unknown Syndrome


David Mudd

Two children in Europe died due to an unknown syndrome caused as a result of COVID-19. Read ahead to know more. Also, find out more about the unknown syndrome and its effects on children.

The Unknown Syndrome

The Swedish-European CDC reported the death of two children due to an unknown syndrome. Furthermore, one death occurred in Britain and the second one in France. In France, a nine-year-old boy died in the Southern city of Marseille.

He was hospitalized on 2nd May 2020. Moreover, the boy was diagnosed with scarlet fever.  Later, he suffered from severe heart problems. As a result, he was put into ICU. However, his vital organs failed and the boy died.

17 more children in France are suffering from an unknown syndrome. Moreover, it may be a result of contact with coronavirus patients or exposure to the virus.

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Symptoms Of This Syndrome

Children and adolescents show fever for three and more days with elevated markers of inflammation. Furthermore, they start having rashes. The children start showing signs of rashes around the mouth, hands, or feet.

Other symptoms include low blood pressure, shock, heart problems, and bleeding disorders. Moreover, these symptoms become one big package that risks the life of that child.

Children were suspected the least to contract the coronavirus. However, the cases in Europe are putting many questions in mind. Are the children safe? What is this syndrome? Is it the result of the coronavirus?

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WHO’s Answer On The Syndrome

The World Health Organisation and CDC addressed the syndrome at the recent Geneva meeting. Moreover, very little information is available about the unknown syndrome. Also, WHO has urged doctors and healthcare institutes around the world to take this syndrome seriously.

Moreover, children are now tested for any signs of this syndrome. CDC is studying the properties of this syndrome to find its origin. However, it is not a new virus. But it can be a side effect of the coronavirus in children and adolescents.