Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi are currently riding high on success. After Endgame, Hemsworth’s character is the only one that didn’t retire or died as a result of some sacrifice. Thor will be back for a fourth film and his future in the MCU couldn’t be brighter. Oh, and Waititi is back at the helm of Thor: Love And Thunder.
As it were, Phase 2 treated our beloved God of Thunder rather poorly. Coming off the Avengers, Thor: The Dark World was one of the blandest superhero films made till date. Its biggest problem was that it was not terrible, but super bland. And somehow that’s even worse. Sure, the film had some memorable moments here and there and the Viking funeral scene was amazing, but it doesn’t make that much of a difference to the final product.
Then came Avengers: Age of Ultron, relegating Thor to a subplot that barely tied into the film. Phase 2 is by and far the worst offender in treating Thor as this boring guy, with little in the way of personality; and Loki stealing the limelight (again).
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Enter Taika Waititi, a zany Kiwi filmmaker who was intent on making Thor himself the coolest character in the film. And boy, did it work! This new revitalized version of Thor, whose more irreverent style gave him a cool new personality, stood out to the audiences. It’s fascinating how Waititi managed to imbue new life into Thor whilst also managing to outshine Tom Hiddleston’s Loki. And believe me, that’s no small feat.
This is what Hemsworth said about Waititi in a new interview from GQ:
“He’s insanely fun. But don’t mistake that child-like, frantic energy for someone who isn’t prepared. That’s quite a unique combination, that he has the ability to, through humor, put you at ease, but is also armed with all the knowledge that a director needs to lead you through the process. And it came at a time when I desperately wanted there to be more humor to the character.”
Thor: Love and Thunder will release in February 2022.