Chainsaw Man is a Japanese manga series which is written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Chainsaw Man revolves around genre action, drama, adventure and more. The story is set in a world where Devils are born from human fears. It features a young boy named Denji who has been forced to repay the debt of his father.
He makes a contract fuses his body with that of a dog-like devil named Pochita. Denji joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency fights against devils.
In this article, we will discuss about Chainsaw Man chapter 134 release date.
Chainsaw Man Chapter 134 Release Date
Chapter 134 of Chainsaw Man is schedule to release on Tuesday, June 28, 2023. For some international audience, a local daytime release on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 will be there.
It is available for free of charge via the Viz Media website, Shōnen Jump and Manga Plus app.
Here is the different time zone globally
- Pacific Standard Time: at 8 AM, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023
- Eastern Standard Time: at 11 AM, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023
- British Summer Time: at 4 PM, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023
- Central European Summer Time: at 5 PM, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023
- Indian Standard Time: at 8:30 PM, Tuesday, on June 27, 2023
- Philippine Standard Time: at 11 PM, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023
- Japanese Standard Time: at 12 AM, on Wednesday, June 28, 2023
- Australia Central Standard Time: at 12:30 AM, on Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Chainsaw Man chapter 133 Recap
Denji and Hirofumi Yoshida see Chainsaw Man supporters and naysayers joining the protest. Yoshida tells this to Denji. Yoshida says how young people and politicians are now joining and supporting the Society, and Denji has no power over Chainsaw Man. Denji is asked to not transform into Chainsaw Man again. If he does so, they threat to kill Nayuta. Nayuta appears. Denji leaves with Nayuta without giving any explaination to Yoshida.
Find more recaps of Chainsaw Man manga’s previous chapters such as, Chainsaw Man Manga Chapter 124,Chainsaw Man Chapter 125 ,Chainsaw Man Chapter 131, Chainsaw Man Chapter 132 and Chainsaw Man Chapter 133. to get more aware of what really happened in the previous chapters.
Chainsaw Man chapter 134 Spoilers
Unfortunately, the spoiler is not available for now. If we make speculations, Chainsaw Man chapter 134 may have Yoshida convince Asa to fight against Chainsaw Man. It may also reveal that Yoshida is the Devil, Famine Devil Fami against Denji and Nayuta. Are you excited to read what happens next?
Where To Read Chainsaw Man Chapter 134?
The manga can be read on the Manga Plus as well as the Viz Media website and app. If you want to read the hardcopy editions of the manga, they aare available on various platforms such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Is Chainsaw Man Manga Worth Reading?
Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man has earned a strong fanbase since it began serialising in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2018. The series has been turned into a manga and an anime, with the latter set to premiere in late 2020.
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With its interesting storyline, characters, and twists, the manga is getting popular. It totally depends on one’s taste whether one wants to give it a try or not. Based on the information we have mentioned above in the article, if you believe that the manga goes well with your taste, you can defintely give it a try.
Chainsaw Man Rating
Thrilling and surprising story of the manga will likely keep readers interested in what happens next. The popular manga has released in the form of series and Anime as well.
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Talking about its reading, the series has rates 8.5/10 on IMDb with fans loving it and releasing favorable response.
Is Chainsaw Man Manga Better Than Jujutsu Kaisen?
Jujutsu Kaisen is almost similar to Chainsaw Man. Jujutsu Kaisen is the strong dark shonen because of its characters and on the other hand Chainsaw Man is also filled with its suspense. Both plays a vital role in Manga world.
Chainsaw Man is a Japanese manga series which is written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Chainsaw Man chapter 134 is schedule to release on Tuesday, June 28, 2023. It is available for free of charge via the Viz Media website, Shōnen Jump and Manga Plus app. The next chapter will bring more excitement.
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