Boruto is a Japanese manga series written by Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto, and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto. It began publishing monthly under the title Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump in May 2016, later on moved to Shueisha’s monthly magazine V Jump in July 2019.
In this article, we’ll discuss the release date for Boruto Chapter 84. Let’s have a look on what we have found out so far for you.
Boruto Chapter 84 Release Date
We finally have a release date for Boruto Chapter 84. So, Boruto Chapter 84 will release on 20 Nov, 2023. Also read about the release of Hajime No Ippo Chapter 1438 Release Date, and Lookism Chapter 472 Release Date.
Boruto Chapter 84 Release Time
The release time isn’t out yet. We will update it once it is out. All the information will soon be updated. Stay in touch to know further updates.
Boruto Chapter 84 Raw Scans
Boruto Chapter 84 raw scans are not available now. It is released 3-4 days before the actual release date so Boruto Chapter 84 English raw scan might be out on 17 Nov. 2023.
Boruto Chapter 83 Recap
Boruto and Sarada share a brief moment as the situation deteriorates. Sarada inquires about Boruto’s well-being. He assured her that they can discuss it later, emphasizing the urgency of rescuing those unable to escape the danger. For recaps of previous chapters, read Boruto Chapter 81, and Boruto Chapter 82, and Boruto Chapter 83.
Boruto Chapter 84 Reddit Spoilers
The spoilers for Boruto is not available now. However, based on previous chapter, we may assume that the next chapter will explore Onoki discovers the true reasons behind Ku’s actions.
There are no spoilers for Boruto Chapter 84 so expecting spoilers is what fans are waiting for. The official spoilers might be out on 17 Nov as the spoilers get released 3-4 days before the actual release date.
Where to Read Boruto Chapter 84?
Boruto Chapter 84 will be released on Viz Media. You will also be able to read the next chapter of Boruto on Manga Plus.
Is Boruto Worth Reading?
If you haven’t read Boruto yet and incase, you are confused whether you should give it a try, then worry not! We are here to guide you. Whether or not Boruto is worth reading depends on your personal choice.
Boruto continues the story of the Naruto universe with a focus on the next generation of ninja, mainly Boruto, Naruto’s son. It dives into new characters, adventures, and themes. If you are interested in seeing the next generation’s journey, it is worth reading.
Boruto Characters
- Boruto Uzumaki: The son of Naruto Uzumaki, despite being a powerful ninja, he faces challenges in living up to his father’s legacy.
- Sarada Uchiha: The daughter of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, Sarada is a skilled kunoichi.
- Mitsuki: Mitsuki is human created by Orochimaru.
- Shikadai Nara: The son of Shikamaru Nara and Temari, Shikadai is known for his intelligence.
- Inojin Yamanaka: The son of Ino Yamanaka and Sai.
- Chocho Akimichi: Chocho is the daughter of Choji Akimichi.
- Metal Lee: Metal Lee is the son of Rock Lee.
- Himawari Uzumaki: Boruto’s younger sister, Himawari.
- Sumire Kakei: Sumire is a former classmate of Boruto and his friends.
Boruto is a Japanese manga series. It has entertained fans with its storyline, character development, and artwork. Boruto Chapter 84 will be out on Nov 20, 2023. Boruto Chapter 84 will be released on Viz Media. In addition, you will also be able to read the next chapter of Boruto on Manga Plus. Are you excited for the next chapter?
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