Boruto is a Japanese manga series which is written by Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto, and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto. It began publishing monthly under the title Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, with Kodachi as writer and Kishimoto as editorial supervisor in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump in May 2016, however it was transferred to Shueisha’s monthly magazine V Jump in July 2019. In November 2020 Kishimoto became its writer.
It has captivated fans with its storyline, character development, and amazing artwork. For upcoming new chapters, readers eagerly are getting very excited about the next installment to witness how the adventures of Boruto Uzumaki and his friends unfold. In this article, we’ll discuss the release date for Boruto Chapter 83 and much more interesting facts.
Boruto Chapter 83 Release Date
The official Japanese edition of Boruto Naruto Next Generations Chapter 83 is set to release on Oct 20, 2023. Also pay attention to the release date of these well-known mangas named Iruma Kun Chapter 291 Release Date and Wind Breaker Chapter 452 Release Date.
Boruto Chapter 83 Release Time
- Japan Standard Time: 9:30 PM
- Eastern Standard Time: 8 AM
- Korea Standard Time: 9:30 PM
- India Standard Time: 11:30 PM
- New York, NY USA: 08:00 AM
- Eastern European Summer Time: 3:30 AM
- Pacific Daylight Time: 9 AM
- Eastern Daylight Time: 12 Noon
- Central Daylight Time: 11 AM
Boruto Chapter 82 Recap
Boruto chapter 82 had shown the battle between Boruto and his allies against the formidable foe, Code. It began with Code who is in anger following the death of Isshiki Otsutsuki. Code wanted to fulfill his late master’s wish of sending the Divine Tree to Earth. Code attacked on the Hidden Leaf Village. He looked for Naruto Uzumaki’s son, Kawaki.
Boruto with his friends and allies, Sarada, Mitsuki, and Shikamaru asked Code to protect Kawaki. The battle between them ans Code finally took place. Code activated his Kāma, turned out a dramatic transformation which doubled his powers and abilities.
Boruto decided to protect his friend Kawaki and confronted Code despite being aware of the danger of Code’s caliber. In addition, Code revealed his intention to sacrifice himself to activate the Divine Tree and fulfill Isshiki’s final wish. This revelation and its consequences will be witnessed in the next chapter. For more recaps of previous chapter, read Boruto Chapter 81 and Boruto Chapter 82.
Boruto Chapter 83 Spoilers
Boruto is at the stage of self-discovery in his life where he tries to find his own path while living up to the legacy of his father, Naruto. In Chapter 83, we may expect his character development and the choices of his.
The Kara organization plays antagonist in Boruto. In Chapter 83, we may witness the reevaluation about Kara’s secrets and its mysterious leader, Jigen.
As we have read in Boruto chapter 82, Boruto and his allies faced off against Code, a formidable foe. The fight reached a last stag, and readers are excited to see how it ends. Chapter 83 will reveal the conclusion of the battle.
We might also see new characters and it will be very interesting to read whether they assist or challenge Boruto and his friends on their journey?
Boruto Chapter 83 English Raw Scan Release Date
Boruto Chapter 83 Raw Scan has not been released its raw scans now. Many platforms such as 4chan and Reddit will release its raw scans on 17 Oct, 2023.
Where to Read Boruto Chapter 83?
Boruto Chapter 83 will be able to read on Viz Media. Are you excited for the upcoming chapter? Alos get to know How to Read Manga Online for Free?
Boruto is a Japanese manga series. The manga has set the bar high among fans with its storyline, character development, and amazing artwork. Boruto Chapter 83 will be out on Oct 20, 2023. Stay in touch for more.
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