“Blue Lock,” one of the most eagerly anticipated manga series, was written and illustrated by Muneyuki Kaneshiro. This comic series is about Isagi Yoichi, a high school football player who was seconds away from scoring a goal that would have advanced his team to the national tournament, but a split-second decision to pass the ball to a teammate denied him that opportunity.
Isagi, who is angry, perplexed, and dissatisfied, wonders if the outcome would have been different if he had not made the pass. When the adolescent striker returns home, he will find an invitation from the Japan Football Union. After an arbitrary and biased decision-making process, Isagi was chosen as one of 300 U-18 strikers for the infamous Blue Lock project.
We’ve covered all you need to know about the upcoming chapter’s publication date, raw scans, recap, spoilers, and Where to Read it in our blog article. Continue reading our article to gain all of this information.
Blue Lock Chapter 227 Release Date
Every fan on the planet wants to know when the next chapter will be released. The next chapter of “Blue Lock” will be released on July 31, 2023. The following is the worldwide schedule for the upcoming chapter:
Time Zone | Date | Time |
Indian Standard Time (IST) | Sunday, July 30 | 08:30 PM |
Central European Time (CEST) | Sunday, July 30 | 05:00 PM |
New York | Sunday, July 30 | 11:00 AM |
Pacific Time (PST) | Sunday, July 30 | 08:00 AM |
Eastern European Time (EEST) | Sunday, July 30 | 06:00 PM |
Philippines Standard Time (PHT) | Sunday, July 30 | 11:00 PM |
Singapore Standard Time (SST) | Sunday, July 30 | 11:00 PM |
Japanese Standard Time (JST) | Monday, July 31 | 12:00 AM |
Australian Capital Territory (ACST) | Monday, July 31 | 01:00 AM |
Eastern Indonesian Time (EIST) | Monday, July 31 | 12:00 AM |
Korean Standard Time (KST) | Monday, July 31 | 12:00 AM |
Blue Lock Chapter 227 Raw Scans
The last chapter of “Blue Lock” had readers on the edge of their seats concluding with a cliffhanger. Fans are eagerly awaiting the chapter’s release. Are also expressing interest, in obtaining the raw scans to gain insight into what lies ahead.
Unfortunately, at present no raw scans have surfaced, leaving us with nothing to share. Usually, these scans become available 3 to 4 days before the chapter release. To stay informed and receive updates regarding the availability of scans, for the upcoming chapter please continue to check our website regularly.
Weak Hero Chapter 256 Release Date, Raw Scans, Spoilers, Recap, and Where to Read!
Blue Lock Chapter 227 Spoilers
We know everyone is looking for spoilers for the next chapter, so here we are with the spoilers or our predictions regarding the next chapter.
In the next chapter, we may see that there is a high chance that Barou will score a goal, and after that, Noa and Snuffy will get substituted. Ubers have to score a goal as they are still one goal behind, but Barou can score a goal which will lead the score equal.
But also don’t forget about the black horse, KuniGami. If you want more spoilers of the upcoming chapter then stay tuned with us and keep visiting our website.
Where to Read Blue Lock Chapter 227
Do you want to read the chapter together? But you have no idea where to look; that is why we are here to tell you everything. Blue Lock’s future chapter can be read in raw format on the popular platform Pocket Shonen Magazine, while the English translation can be found at Kodansha. Check out this website if you want to read more interesting novels and comics.
Read More: Blue Box Chapter 111 Release Date, Raw Scans, Spoilers, Recap, and Where to Read!
The manga “Blue Lock,” by Muneyuki Kaneshiro, features Isagi Yoichi, a high school football player who misses a key goal-scoring opportunity. He seeks redemption after being chosen for the Blue Lock experiment. The publishing date for Chapter 227 is July 31, 2023. Raw scans have yet to be released, but spoilers indicate exciting developments.
You can read it in Japanese at Pocket Shonen Magazine or in English at Kodansha. Stay tuned for more information. Follow or bookmark trending news buzz for more manga updates.