Blue Box is a popular romance sports Japanese manga series which is written and illustrated by Kouji Miura. The series began serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump on April 12, 2021. On February 14, 2022, an announcement has been made that claimed Viz Media would release the physical English volumes starting in Fall 2022.
The Manga, Blue Box has released many chapters and currently about to release Blue Box Chapter 116. Through this article, we will share Blue Box Chapter 116 release date, release time as per different region time zone, recap, spoiler, platforms where you can easily read it and many more interesting factors that you might be unaware of! Continue reading!
Blue Box Chapter 116 Release Date
For those who have been waiting for Blue box chapter 116 release date, Blue Box chapter 116 is set to be released on 11 September. Also read Secret Class Chapter 167 Release Date.
Blue Box Chapter 116 Release Time
- Central European Time (CEST)- 05:00 PM (September 10 2023)
- New York- 11:00 AM (September 10, 2023)
- Pacific Time (PST)- 08:00 AM (September 10, 2023)
- Eastern European Time (EEST)- 06:00 PM ( September 10, 2023)
- Indian Standard Time (IST)- 08:30 PM ( September 10, 2023)
- Singapore Standard Time (SST)- 11:00 PM (September 10, 2023)
- Japanese Standard Time (JST)- 12:00 AM September 11, 2023
- Korean Standard Time (KST)- 12:00 AM September 11, 2023
- Australian Capital Territory (ACST)- 12:30 AM September 11, 2023
- Eastern Indonesian Time (EIST)- 12:00 AM September 11, 2023
Blue Box Chapter 116 Raw Scans Release Date
Blue Box chapter 116 raw scans will be available 3-4 days before its original release.
Blue Box Chapter 115 Recap
Blue Box Chapter 115 revolved around Taiki who goes for a badminton tournament at Saitama high school. With two slots for summer national tournament, Haryu and Sajikawa Yasu were two participants but when Taiki entered the school, he got to know that Sajikawa Yasu is no longer taking part in the tournament which made Taiki very disappointed as Taiki wanted to defeat Yasu, for which Taiki prepared really well.
However, Taiki still won three matches, and now his opponent was Kishi who thinks he can win against Taiki. You can read previous chapters of this manga like Blue Box Chapter 113 and Blue Box Chapter 114 for more recaps.
Blue Box Chapter 116 Spoiler
Blue Box Chapter 116 is going to be very interesting and just like you, we too cannot wait for it to happen. The badmintion battle between Taiki and Kishi will happen in Blue Box Chapter 116. While we are aware of Taiki’s strength, on the other hand, Kishi is quite confident to win over Taiki. This match is going to be different than any other matches that happened in the previous chapters.
One more fascinating thing is that, The recent chapter revealed that Mochizuki will be the final player playing against Taiki. Also don’t forget to read Am I Actually the Strongest Release Date and Edens Zero Chapter 234 Release Date.
Where To Read Blue Box Chapter 116?
Blue Box Chapter 116 will be available to read on Manga Plus and Viz in English translation. In addition, for raw format, you can go to read on Shonen Jump Plus.
Why You Should Read Blue Box
Blue Box is a popular romance sports Japanese manga series. It follows Taiki Inomata, a third-year student in junior high. Taiki attended Eimei Academy, an integrated junior and high school with a major sports program. Since then, Taiki’s sports journey began as featured in the manga. It has twist, turns, challenges, and winnings. If you are a sports person who always have soft corner for romance elements, then what are you waiting for? Give it a read if you haven’t yet.
Written and illustrated by Kouji Miura, Blue Box is a popular romance sports Japanese manga series. Blue Box chapter 116 is set to be released on 11 September. Are you excited?
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