The most anticipated and hyped manga series, “Black Clover,” was written and illustrated by Yuki Tabata with genres of action, comedy, and fantasy. In the previous chapter, we saw that black bulls willingly wanted to bring back Asta if it also cost them their lives. As fans are eagerly anticipating the release of the next chapter
Fans of this manga series have many questions in their mind regarding the release date, spoilers, raw scans, recap, and where to read the chapter. In our blog post, we have covered all your problems. To get all the answers to the questions regarding the next chapter, continue reading our article.
Black Clover Chapter 365 Release Date
The upcoming chapter of this popular manga series, “Black Clover,” is expected to be released on July 16, 2023. The international schedule for the upcoming chapter is as follows:
Time Zone | Date | Time |
Pacific Standard Time | July 16, 2023 | 7:00 AM |
Central Standard Time | July 16, 2023 | 9:00 AM |
Eastern Standard Time | July 16, 2023 | 10:00 AM |
British Standard Time | July 16, 2023 | 3:00 PM |
Central European Time | July 16, 2023 | 4:00 PM |
Indian Standard Time | July 16, 2023 | 8:30 PM |
Philippine Standard Time | July 16, 2023 | 11:00 PM |
Australia Time | July 16, 2023 | 12:30 AM |
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Black Clover Chapter 365 Spoilers
Fans of “Black Clover” are requesting spoilers or leaks for the upcoming chapter. So here we are with the spoilers or leaks for the upcoming chapter. The upcoming chapter may start from where we left off, the black bull will try to get back on its feet to save Asta, but we are not sure how many will be there in the final phase, as only a few were shown in the final phase. Grey and Gauche were in really bad shape; now, at this point, their survival is also questioned.
The next chapter may be the last chapter of Black Bull’s effort. Asta, the main character, may return but we may see some casualties from Black Bulls. That’s our theory regarding the next chapter. The spoilers for the next chapter will be released soon. Stay tuned with us.
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Black Clover Chapter 365 Raw Scans
The recent chapter ended with an interesting cliffhanger, and the fans are curiously waiting for the next chapter but also requesting the raw scans to know what will happen in the next chapter.
But as of now, we are not able to provide any raw scans to you, and we are sorry for that. It’s a shame. Usually, raw scans are released 3-4 days before the official chapter. To get the spoilers, stay tuned with us.
Black Clover Chapter 364 Recap
In the previous chapter of “Black Clover,” we saw The Black Bulls were on their way to combat Paladin Damnatio, willing to lay down their lives to allow Asta to return to the Clover Kingdom. During their onslaught, however, Damnatio identified Grey and Gauche as the most crucial members of the Black Bulls. As a result, he attacked them. Secret healed the Black Bulls, allowing them to battle anew when everything seemed lost.
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Where to Read Black Clover Chapter 365
You are all curious to know where you can read the next chapter. You can read the new chapter of “Black Clover” on the popular platform VIZ. Viz is an operator-friendly website without any bugs or glitches. You can also read more manga and novels on this site.
Finally, “Black Clover” fans are looking forward to Chapter 365, which is set to be released on July 16, 2023. Fans predict that the chapter may center on the Black Bulls’ efforts to save Asta, with likely casualties among their ranks, despite the lack of spoilers and raw scans.
While we wait for more details, users can read the latest chapter on the VIZ platform, which offers a user-friendly environment for reading manga and novels. Stay tuned for more information, and check out the next part of “Black Clover” on VIZ. Follow or bookmark trending news buzz for more updates.